Hi Everyone! I discovered Textfugu a long time ago, but I just decided to join, because I’m not doing as well in school as I’d hope, and I’m looking for a little boost before I go immerse myself (hopefully Oct 2014).
I’m studying in University towards a bachelor of Arts, Japanese Major, East Asian Studies Minor, with a goal towards a Japanese translation certificate. As I mentioned earlier, I’m hoping to go to Japan next year for school/immersion, so that I can hopefully get fluent. (making friends who don’t speak English, or who will primarily speak to me in Japanese will be key)
I also want to try to get into the JET program or a similar program after I’m finished my degree, and live in Japan for an extended period of time. After that I might apply to work as a translator for the Canadian government, upgrade to a teaching degree to teach Japanese in Canada, or even a flight attendant ;) for flights to/from Japan.
I just really love Japanese Culture, and I feel like (if I could have chosen my nationality, or at least my birth country) I’d choose Japan. (Not that I don’t love Canada <3)
Nice to meet you :) You can call me Siren, or just Youngpearl(my username).
I also have a WaniKani account under the same username, and a provisional one (because i stopped reviewing for almost a year) under youngsiren.
This topic was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by