Home Forums TextFugu TextFugu or EtoEto alpha?

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    I have been away a long time and really need to start over. I remembered a bit, but not nearly enough to feel confident jumping in. Good thing I was only at the very beginning any way.

    I have alpha access to EtoEto, and am wondering if I should just use TextFugu, or if I should jump into the EtoEto alpha?

    It seems that the Fugu portion of EtoEto is severely under-developed and that the focus is going to be making a major pivot so I’m leaning towards using TextFugu, and waiting on EtoEto.

    What do you think?



    It is hard to recommend without seeing EtoEto first. But from what I’ve seen so far on the Internet + physical textbooks, nothing comes close to Textfugu in terms of content and ease of learning. I am halfway through Textfugu and already able to come up with simple but effective sentences (in my opinion).

    This was my study flow so far:

    - Started with Tofugu to learn Hiragana and Katakana so I can at least read some stuff:
    - Trialled Textfugu and fell in love with it. Subscribed and kept on going.
    - Read about WaniKani on this forum and gave it a try. Loved it… But the number of reviews were piling up and it was hard for me to concentrate on Textfugu and the grammar so put that on hold.
    - Bought myself Genki textbook that everyone was recommending and found it great as a supplement for TextFugu (not the primary learning tool). Love it… Found some Anki decks to study them as well.
    - Halfway through Season 4 of Textfugu and finding it vocab heavy. Lots of time spent trying to remember and memorise all the words, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, etc. Kanji is becoming a struggle, I am going back to WaniKani for that as I feel like I can memorise them a lot easier than in Anki.

    Looks like a lot, but it is not. I am also employed full time and if work is not in the way, I would probably be further along. I was just trying to prove the point that Textfugu is really, really valuable learning tool/e-textbook.

    I just wish there is a physical version of it, so I can refer to it quickly when needed without going online and searching through pages.



    As I understand it, Koichi decided to re-do the Fugu part of EtoEto over from scratch. Soooo… yeah. Use TextFugu until EtoEto is done. Which should be sometime this century, for sure. Probably.



    While I do actually like EtoEto’s FUGU more, it only has the equivalents of the first few chapters of TextFugu, so there isn’t much of a reason for going with EtoEto for now.


    EtoEto Fugu is unfinished. Some nice ideas in place but not much content. Textfugu is also unfinished and needs more tweaking that will likely never come, but is more complete than EtoEto Fugu is. Best if you work your way through Textfugu and switch to something else afterwards. After WaniKani became the cash cow, the other Tofogu projects magically began to decline. Koichi’s broken promises and pace remind me of a certain author of a certain wildly popular fantasy series…



    After WaniKani became the cash cow, the other Tofogu projects magically began to decline.

    More like, cash crabi-gator…

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