Home Forums The Japanese Language Textfugu sentence example reading problem

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    Hey there, in the example sentence :

    スーパー に 入ったら どう ですか?

    I read “How about you enter the supermarket?” and 入ったら in kana I read “はいったら” but the girl in the recorded mp3 pronounces いったら and from listening I can hear: “How about you go to the supermarket?”. What am I understanding wrong here? does 入る have a weird pronunciation when it goes to dictionary past which makes it the same as 行った? the audio file is the 3-9-56.mp3 greetings



    入る can also be read as いる. Just to make things more fun, you know?


    Omg…. u’ve got to be kidding me… Well, anyways its kinda in the same direction as 行く’so I hope it wont be thaaat misleading when I hear it.



    According to Wiktionary, pronouncing 入る as いる is mostly restricted to expressions and idioms, though perhaps it’s dialectical as well? Dunno.

    Incidentally, 入る as はいる can also be written as 這入る (i.e. 這 (は) + 入る (いる) ), though that looks to be either archaic or literary – either way, it seems to be quite rare, getting 32,000 results on Google when compared to 68,000,000 for 入る. =)

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