Home Forums TextFugu Textfugu + Wanikani?

This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Benjamin 11 years, 10 months ago.

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    Good afternoon,

    I am a mere beginner when it comes to learning Japanese, but I heard that a great site for learning the radicals/kanji was WaniKani (made by the same guy I think). I was just curious as to when I should start doing WaniKani because of all the great reviews I’ve heard from it. I’m only on Season 2 Lesson 4 and have put the “Radicals 2″ into my anki deck. Just curious, if anyone could shed some light.

    Thanks a ton,




    I definitely recommend it.  It has like a great interface and like 20X more kanji than here.

    I recommend! :D



    I use both TextFugu and Wanikani. I learn kanjis and vocab from both of them (because TF expects some knowledge of vocab to study its lessons), however in this regard WK covers everything TextFugu has.



    One last question, didn’t want to create a new thread :-p

    Could I skip all the radicals/kanji on this site, and continue to work on Wanikani.com? I’m almost level 2 on Wanikani, and I think it is a lot easier to learn there than putting decks into boring old’ anki and coming back everyday. Plus, a lot of the radicals/vocabulary I have been doing is already being worked on by myself on Wanikani. I was just simply wondering, it would make my life a lot easier, for sure.



    Yeah, you don’t need to do both.


    I don’t see why TextFugu still has a kanji section if WaniKani is so good; can’t they integrate it into the textbook somehow?



    Awesome, I appreciate the feedback. I’ll do all my radicals/kanji/vocabulary on WaniKani and listen to all of the lessons/work here :) thanks!

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