Home Forums TextFugu Textfugu with Wanikani

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Matthew 9 years, 6 months ago.

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    I’ve had a break for over a year with my studies, and have forgotten a lot of things.
    I first started with Wanikani like 2 years ago because I was studying from Genki back then.

    I was wondering if any has suggestions for how to proceed. I started from the very beginning of Textfugu to make sure I don’t miss anything, because I’m retarded at grammar.

    Any of you use Wanikani along with textfugu? I saw that Wanikani has added a bunch of Vocab now as well.


    Hi, I’m using Textfugu + Wanikani and I’m progressing quite fast with kanji and vocabulary. The sequence is not the same, though, so you will end up studying some of them on Wanikani first, and then on Textfugu some lessons later. But still, I don’t see it as a problem. I also download the Anki cards from Textfugu and use them too (even though I don’t use Anki so much having Wanikani).



    Though WaniKani focuses on learning Kanji and Vocabulary, it does not help with grammar. I use TextFugu, Anki, and WaniKani similar to alebaffa. To be honest, you can never have enough learning materials. The more immersed you are, the better off you are (in my opinon)!

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