Home Forums The Japanese Language The の particle

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  jasenko 7 years, 12 months ago.

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    Hi guys,

    I am finishing Season 2 and the last lesson was about the の particle. Unlike all the other lessons, I think that this one was a little light on comparing to all the other ones. I haven’t seen many practical examples of how to utilise it.

    My question is, can you use これ、それ、あれ to expand/specify and ask questions about the living things. For example formulate the question like below, and does it make any sense?

    あれ は だれ の  おとうさん ですか

    I can see this example on the practice page (http://www.textfugu.com/season-2/being-possessive/practice)

    これ は だれ の 川 ですか?

    But not sure if appropriate to use when talking about people.



    No. これ, それ and あれ refer to things, not people. If you want to say “Whose father is that”, you’d need to say あの ひと は だれ の おとうさん ですか (whose father is that person?).

    That’s not really about the の particle, mind. =)



    Thanks Joel, I wish I can add thanks to all your helpful posts.

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