Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) The 3 Main Reasons I Am Learning Japanese…

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    Alex Fung

    Hey, I’m Bert, I’m 18, and want to be a professional Mixed Martial Artist who can call Japan, ‘home’.

    The 3 main reasons I am learning Japanese are:

    1. I WANT to live in Japan

    2. I NEED to live in Japan

    3. I HAVE to live in Japan



    Good on you, mate, you and I share the same reasons. :)



    Welcome to Textfugu, Bert!



    4.I WILL live in Japan

    Welcome, duuuude



    Bert – welcome! Good to see you here. :) Great reasons for learning Japanese! Good luck with all of your studies.



    Alex Fung

    Oooo, nice! Quite a lovely sum of replies. Thank you, everyone!

    Gigatron… Are you currently training in any specific martial art, and do you have a favourite fighter?

    Tsetycoon13… Thanks! Nice to meet you.

    Armando… You’re so right! Thanks!

    Winterpromise31… Hello, Cassandra! Thank you very much! Have you created a topic on your reason for learning Japanese? I would like to give that a read :)



    Hey Bert, welcome to TextFugu! Good luck with your studies!



    Bert – It was on the old forum a couple years back… I basically started learning Japanese because my husband was obsessed. He watches a ton of anime and wants us to go live in Japan for a couple years. I didn’t really care one way or the other but figured that if he was going to drag us to Japan, I should learn the language so that I can make friends. After about six months of studying and reading various blogs about Japanese culture, I fell in love for my own reasons. I’ve been learning now for about 2.5 years and really enjoy it. We still haven’t visited Japan but it’s on our bucket list!



    Gigatron… Are you currently training in any specific martial art, and do you have a favourite fighter?

    Ah, no I’m not training in martial arts, me. I’d be too frightened of getting myself pummelled to do so. XD

    Can’t say I know too much about the subject, but I’ve watched the MMA fights with my mates a few times and I always found them very fun to watch.

    You and I have different reasons for wanting to live in Japan, but we’re both aiming for the same destination, so hopefully we’ll get there! :)



    great reasons :-) good luck, and have fun doing it!


    Alex Fung


    Thank you for the warm welcome!  It’s great to be here!



    Oh wow!  What a way to get into it!  So it was your husband’s “fault”? :D  Is there a place in particular that draws most of you attention in terms of moving there?  And I see you’ve been studying for quite a while… That’s excellent.  How fluent are you?  And have you not yet visited because you’ve been unable to or you just can’t decide when or where to go? (21, questions! Sorry!).


    Alex Fung


    That’s very fair enough, I got the wrong idea; I thought you meant martial arts, too. Sorry :D But yeah!, hopefully we will, very soon!  Let’s study hard, work hard, and play smart.  We’ll definitely deserve a home on the Land of The Rising Sun if we stay disciplined!



    Thanks a lot!  I took a cheeky look on your profile and read your posted topic!  Very lucky to be moving there, this year!  I hope you have a great time!



    Bert, yes, it was my husband’s fault. ;) We have not picked out an area to live because we know it’s still way in the future. Both of us have massive student loans and want to pay them off before moving to another country.

    I consider myself still a beginner. My listening and speaking skills are weak. I’m much better at writing and reading but listening and speaking are poor, which is why I would still classify myself as a beginner. The only flaw to learning Japanese via the route I took is that I wasted the first year or so because it wasn’t yet MY passion. Now I’m more serious about learning but have a lot of catching up to do with others who have been studying about the same amount of time I have.

    Still, it’s great to be here! :) I believe people should never give up, regardless of their pace. Forward motion is always good. ;)



    Greetings BC,

    Fellow martial artist here, and also the original reason I started to learn Japanese. I’ve been into MA for about 24 years now, as I started when I was a wee lad.

    Though I have trained in MMA and participated in some local matches, it hasn’t really been a big focus for me.

    My main interest early on (once in my late teens) was a focus on practical self defense for realistic, street style combat, then I began to focus on historical and cultural aspects of MA in college (writing several papers on it), then I shifted into the philosophical/spiritual side of things.

    I go into phases where I watch UFC and really enjoyed the Ultimate Fighter series, as you really get to know the combatants and can see how much they have progressed.

    I can usually predict who will win any fight 30 seconds in, with about a 95% accuracy rate, and can usually guess what would have to happen for the other person to win instead if they don’t.

    So yeah I’ve done a lot of cross training in MA, but my main focus has been in a few of the more traditional arts, rather than MMA.



    Alex Fung


    Oh, jeee! Student loans!  Well I guess money’s a more pleasant excuse than something like a physical disability, or pregnancy, or a criminal record, etc.

    Never the less, it seems you’re not gonna let it stop you one bit! I like your attitude.  It’s quite inspiring, I must say :D

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