Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) The 3 Main Reasons I Am Learning Japanese…

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    Alex Fung

    Ahoy, Aikibujin!

    It’s interesting to see your shift in interest in the MA field.  Would you say you’re more somebody who wants to travel and explore, and practise different martial arts – maybe for spiritual awareness, or some kind of ‘release’?  < I would like to try this for these reasons and more.

    Do you have a favourite martial art, or one you’d really like to practise in?

    Thanks for your post!



    If money weren’t an issue, I’d definitely be traveling around exploring different MA, but alas it is.

    The only martial art that I have a specific interest in, that I haven’t trained in at all, is Bagua Zhang. I’d also love to actually practice La Verdadera Destreza with a class on a regular basis, as I’ve only had access to it through recordings.

    As far as a favorite martial art goes though, I would have to say my own fighting style, which is a synthesis of some of my favorite traditional styles.

    I use Jeet Kune Do Concepts mixing Aikido, Bujinkan Taijutsu, American Kenpo, Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, Eskrima, and a touch of traditional Muay Thai and Capoeira.

    With the exception of Capoeira, I specifically chose those arts for their strengths in 5 combat ranges as follows:

    Weapons Range: Eskrima and Bujinkan Taijutsu

    Kicking Range: American Kenpo and Jeet Kune Do

    Punching Range: American Kenpo and Jeet Kune Do

    Trapping Range: Aikido, Bujinkan Taijutsu, Jeet Kune Do, and Muay Thai (for knee and elbow strikes)

    Grappling/Ground Fighting Range: Gracie Jiu-Jitsu

    With Capoeira, I studied it because it looks cool and requires crazy fitness, but I ended up incorporating many of its maneuvers into my personal system as a means of evasion, escape, or quick recovery. Basically for times when the stuff hits the fan and I’ve made a mistake and thus would normally get bulldozed by someone.

    Anyone familiar with those arts would know that American Kenpo and Jeet Kune Do aren’t especially strong in kicks, but I believe that in live combat kicks should be very limited and thus I chose arts that use kicks to either immediately break the knee or to simply check the legs of your opponent in order to stop their advances or trip them up, depending on the situation.

    When I am using my style for real, I look more like an Aikidoka or Bujinkan practitioner, as most of the action happens at close range. When I’m sparring I look more like an Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do student, which these days I use more for fitness and fun than realistic self defense, though I may still use aspects of those arts in serious situations as I need them.

    As I began working in the medical field I had to rely more on joint locks and immobilizations that I could use to safely subdue an attacker, rather than breaking bones and knocking people out, so Aikido was really good for that.

    And I would say that of those individual arts Aikido is my favorite (hence my name), followed closely by Bujinkan Taijutsu and Jeet Kune Do.^_^




    Yeah, we wracked up quite a bit in student loans. We pay almost $350 a month and that’s just the minimum payment. It’ll take 20 years to pay off at that rate. Once we buy some, ahem, furniture for this new place of ours, we’ll be throwing money at the student loans to make them go away.

    Thanks for saying I’m inspiring! I love studying and hope that everyone can find an enjoyment in it. :)

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