This topic contains 76 replies, has 21 voices, and was last updated by MisterM2402 [Michael] 11 years ago.
January 3, 2012 at 9:25 pm #23520
-Zombie Thread-
I really had to dig to find this thing…so many introductions.
Anyway, I’m back to work after the new year and it’s snowing like crazy. I have to walk home too…bummer. To those of you planning on moving to Japan (for more that a year) I suggest on getting started on getting your Japanese licence as soon as possible. You can use your international licence for a year and once it expires. Getting a new one is a royal pain.
In other news, I’ll be moving back to the US in August. Still planning on keeping up the Japanese though. In fact the plan is to take the JLPT N3 in December. Maybe the N2 if the study books for the N3 go super easy. I just started on those today; 日本語総まとめ. Day one down.
So I’m thinking of picking up Spanish again when I go back too. I studied it for three years in high school but I don’t remember much. Should be easy compared to Japanese. It’s funny though, when I try to use any Spanish, I keep defaulting to Japanese grammar. Espanol wo hablaitai!!
Anyway, the reason for the Spanish (aside from general interest) is that, when I go back to the States, I’ll be moving in with my girlfriend in the (dun dun dun) South (God help me). North Carolina to be specific. I figure, teaching in the south, there is some probability that a few of my students, or their parents, may not have the best English so I can try to meet them half way.Why am I blogging in the forums?..the students don’t come back till next week. Bored bored bored.
January 4, 2012 at 10:42 am #23554Haha I know what you mean. I tried simulating a basic Spanish conversation in my head and it was like:
Te hablas espanol?
Si, un poco ですね~
January 4, 2012 at 10:21 pm #23652Hey all ^_^
This is only my second post on the forum, and I’m super excited to be here!
Good luck on your JLPTs thisiskyle!
Y hablo espanol mas o menos. Si necesitamos ayuda con su espanol me puedo te puedo ayudar ^_^ I know this is a Japanese forum but Spanish is my second language. I’m hoping to make Japanese my third!Hope everyone is having a good new year!
KaruJanuary 5, 2012 at 2:58 am #23679I think Spanish is the only language with a word for that weird sensation of wanting to squeeze or crush to death something very cute :)
January 5, 2012 at 4:44 am #23688hahaha “Espanol wo hablaitai!!”
Something like that happens to me with French and Japanese, but well hopefully I’ll get round that.
And, yea, Spanish is my mother-tongue so if you need any help just say so :)Monday oh don’t come yet (I still need more holidays~…)
January 5, 2012 at 12:16 pm #23739Oh no, a native Spanish speaker! I’m pretty sure I made a mistake or two, haha.
Living in the far Northeast of the U.S. you don’t get a lot of opportunities to speak Spanish (Or Japanese for that matter!).On an off topic,
Do you ever feel smarter the day after you’ve hunkered down on your Japanese studies?
I woke up this morning and thought “You know…I don’t need coffee, I’ve got knowledge!”
I mean, I needed coffee about an hour after I woke up, but the point still stands! ^_^January 22, 2012 at 6:39 am #24924Youtube just posted to Facebook: “Watch Japanese female idol group, AK47, perform live at 1:00 a.m. PT / 6:00 p.m. JST”.
I’m sure missingno15 is aware of this already, but just in case ;) Think that’s about 7pm GMT for anyone who cares.January 23, 2012 at 6:03 pm #25284DannyChoo is putting out these cute kana cards.
January 23, 2012 at 7:04 pm #25289are you jacked yet sheepy?
February 20, 2012 at 10:14 pm #26913holy snap guys. i thought i never would find it again.
everyone knows already but the reason why i’m learning japanese is because of AKB.
but the truth is, if i never saw this video, i wouldnt have started learning japanese. so it is the catalyst that made me want to learn japanese. im so surprised to see it again on youtube because it got removed a long time ago so i made sure i downloaded it this time hahaha.
pretty short but yeah 21, 2012 at 5:50 pm #27026@missingno15: Ah, that was hilarious! :D Was there something in particular about the video that spurred you on to try learning Japanese?
The video that got me thinking about Japanese was this one:
He advertises TextFugu at the end, so I had a look at it and thought “Hey, this sounds kinda cool! :)”.
(Actually, events may have played out in a slightly different order; maybe the video didn’t come first, I can’t remember what happened actually haha. It lead me on to the textbook at least.)February 21, 2012 at 7:56 pm #27027Yeah well when I first got into them in late 2009, they had already came to NYC so I (foolishly) thought they would come back again the following year.
….They did but they came to L.A. Haven’t come back to the US ever since. They just go to Guam now if they need something American.
Upon watching this video, it became evident to me that they were not going to learn English anytime soon so instead I thought, “Hey, I’ll make the effort to learn Japanese for them”.
Thus began my epic journey to learn Japanese….
February 23, 2012 at 6:12 pm #27084D’awwww :3
October 16, 2012 at 11:36 am #36318So, moving back has really and truly kinked the pipeline of my Japanese studies. Working as a substitute teacher leaves me with little to no schedule to speak of and I’ve been having trouble getting into a routine. However, last night I went to dinner with my roommate who is Chinese and a bunch of his friends and received a motivational boost. (Yahoo). I guess sitting at dinner with a bunch of Asians and not understanding anything hit me with a bit of nostalgia from my first year in Japan.
On a side note, I really miss Japan. I see photos posted by friends who still live there and it just about breaks my heart every time. I’m probably remembering things being better than they actually were overall, but I am honestly going to try to start looking for more permanent (non-ALT) work and get back to the books. And, of course, try to convince the old ball-and-chain to go too.-
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October 17, 2012 at 5:21 pm #36470This is the second time you’ve risen this thread from the grave, Kyle ;) Never heard of the peak-end rule before – interesting.
This reply was modified 12 years, 4 months ago by
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