Home Forums The Japanese Language The colour of nouns

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    I’m going over some lessons from season 4 (while catching up with Anki after a total hard drive faliure), and I was wondering if simply adding いろ has any flexibility with other nouns.

    “オレンジいろ → The color of オレンジ (oranges)”

    “ちゃいろ → The color of ちゃ (tea)”

    天井いろ → The color of the ceiling???
    (Assuming the context is already established, eg. we’re in the same room.)



    To be fair, there are a lot of color words that are “noun-iro/shoku”, 空色、水色、etc. A lot of anime, book or song titles also play on this fact: 夢色パティシエール means dream-colored pastry chef, ‘cos “Dream-colored” sounds darn cool. I imagine there’s also things with titles like love-colored, joy-colored, etc.
    Ceiling-colored, though…doesn’t really convey a whole lot.Even if context is established, I’m guessing you’d want to say 天井の色, as in the color of this ceiling, and not just ceilings in general.

    I could be way off, though. ^_^;;



    Yah, you’d say 天井の色.



    True, who would ever describe something as celiling colour. Actually I just wrote the first kanji that came to mind, while looking around the room for an example.
    But thanks, that answers my question and I’ll be looking out for it.

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