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    I didn’t realise you could drop the も from the -てもいい structure. I’ve learnt something here too. =)



    It’s another one of those contractions you often hear/see in casual speak, like ~てる.



    So I’ve been seeing 工 small inbetween other characters. What does that mean? I’m not exactly sure what the word was, but I know it had at least this part: ジ工ソ (the 工 was small)

    @_@ ?



    エ = katakana え, not the kanji 工 – it’s different. =)

    A small エ is a way of fudging glides with e-sounds for foreign loan words – that is, ジェ = je.



    Ah ha! Tricky! Thanks :D



    Soooo I wanted to make some macarons and I bought a mix from the store… bad Idea.. now I have to translate the instructions into english.

    I spent the last hour and a half looking up a bunch of the kanji I wasn’t sure about.. but I still wanna double check and see what you guys can come up with.

    [The following was copied from the back of the box.. I don't think I made any mistakes...]
    [* also, the little c's mean degrees Celsius]

    * 平らなところ(テーブルなど)で、マカロンガイドの上に天板の大きさに合わせて切ってオーブンペーパーをのせ、端をセロハンテープ等で固定しておきます。
    * オーブンを140cに予熱しておきます。









    This is my basic attempt…
    Set this thing somewhere you can see it easily and set out the parchment paper and preheat the oven to 140 celsius.

    1. in a bowl, put the merang mix and water. usng a hand mixer, lightly mix together until frothy. Turn up the speed and continue until forming stiff peaks

    2. in (1) add the macaron mix and gently mix with a rubber spatula until you can’t see the powder

    3. Using a rubber spatula fold the batter together. (につやがでて??????) The goal is to get the mix to a point where when you lift the batter, it slowly drops.

    4. put the mix from (3) into the piping bag. cut the tip about 1cm from the end. and make small circles on the parchment paper. It’s not necessary to let the batter dry.

    5. transfer the baking sheet to the oven. bake it for 15-20 min. The amount of time it takes differs from oven to oven. Once they are baked, move them to a cake rack to cool.

    6. but the strawberry chocolate in a bowl and melt it with hot water. gently remove the macarons from the paper and make a sandwich with the strawberry filling. leftover chocolate can be used to decorate the top and use the chocolate pen to add a design. before the chocolate dries… (アラザンをのせ?????)



    アラザン are dragées. Those little silver ball things made of sugar people use to decorate cakes with.

    The last bit: (チョコレートが乾く前にアラザンをのせお好みのデコレーションをします。) could translate as something like: “Before the chocolate dries, place dragées and decorate to your liking.”



    @Gigatron oooooh those things. thanks



    彼は何年も地震の研究をしている。 → He’s been researching earthquakes for many years.
    何年も means for many years, but I can’t make out how it can be “for many years”. I know 何年 means “how many years” and that も can emphasize an upper limit, but how can that be put together to mean “for many years”? Maybe this is just how you say it, but it has no entry in jisho, so I want to know why も can give the noun a whole different meaning.
    Thanks in advance :)



    The link above your post is very useful :D


    I guess that’s just the way it’s said.



    用件をメモしておきました。 (I made a note of the matter.)

    Which verb is おきました? 置く? In that case, could maybe a translation be more like: “I made a note (list) of things to be done”?




    I feel kind of stupid asking something that might have a simple answer, but here goes, a video from a blogger I usually watch (though through my current language knowledge I can only pick out random bits) and a part of a sentence he says has me confused.

    I know part of the sentence.
    I know it’s about the weather, particularly “todays” weather but maybe I’m trying to get too much out of it.
    I’m just curious if 今日 and 天気 together create an individual phrase to represent a certain type of weather.
    If he was talking about nice weather I would assume something more like 「今日はいい天気ですね。」

    So yep, pretty much I’m just curious if 今日天気 forms a certain type of weather. If it helps to hear it, then it’s around the 10 second mark.

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 11 months ago by  RavenTwoFive.
    • This reply was modified 12 years, 11 months ago by  RavenTwoFive.
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