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March 27, 2012 at 11:37 pm #28639
I have been confused as well by similar words recently, because Core 2k kept giving me a ton of words and calling them all president, so I went ahead and asked on lang-8 last week. I was only confused with 3 though.
This is what feedback I got(if it is of any use)
Aside from these, 2 more words having to do with leadership of some sort come to mind:
社長 – president of a company
部長 – leader of a specific departmentSo to answer your question, 役員 seems to have multiple meaning. From looking it up, this is what I got: http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=%E5%BD%B9%E5%93%A1&ref=sa
Board member, officer, official, executive… As you say yourself it seems to not have one specific meaning, but to cover a wider variety of roles in a company :/ Now I am confused as well -_-March 28, 2012 at 1:56 am #28642やくいん[―ゐん] 2 【役員】
[1] 会社・団体などの幹部職員。法人においては、その業務執行、業務・会計の監査などの権限を有する者。
[2] その役を担当する人。http://dic.yahoo.co.jp/dsearch?p=%E5%BD%B9%E5%93%A1&stype=0&dtype=0&dname=0ss
March 28, 2012 at 4:00 am #28646First place I ever heard the word 社長 was in Aria. アリア社長! =D
March 28, 2012 at 7:16 am #28650「悪いけど今日は行けなくなったってヒロに言っといて。」- “Tell Hiro I’m sorry, but it’s become impossible for me to go today.”
What does 言っといて mean? 言って would be the command form (“tell him”), I guess, but what sort of grammar is 言っといて?
Thanks.March 28, 2012 at 9:40 am #28654It’s 言っておいて with half kana eaten :D
March 28, 2012 at 11:47 am #28655@Hattori: Ah, that makes sense :) I’ve actually seen ~とく・~どく before, but my brain just didn’t connect the dots here for some reason.
March 29, 2012 at 6:35 pm #28702I had a question about a translation. In a YouTube video series I watch, they always start with some phrase like this:
おしゃべりあてまーす だいさんほそ は、
I tried google translate, but it said “mars third news” and nothing else… anybody know what this means?? The video link is below.
March 29, 2012 at 6:52 pm #28703Yeah, Google translate is shaky at the best of times, and only gets more confused when you give it a line of kana alone. I can’t make out that particular phrase in the video you posted, but お喋り (おしゃべり) means chattering, idle talk, gossip, et cetera. Not at all sure of あてます (even if I read it as a contraction of あています). The name of the video includes 「第3旅送」 – i.e. だいさんりょそう – which means “number three something“, but my dictionary isn’t suggesting anything for 旅送, and my Japanese keyboard doesn’t even recognise it as being a word.
Hoping that helps some.
March 29, 2012 at 7:25 pm #28704It’s 放送, not 旅送 :)
She says: 3月28日更新分 おしゃべりやってます 第3放送は
やってます = やる (to do) in ~ています form
March 29, 2012 at 7:31 pm #28705Oh. Hah. That’ll teach me to not pay proper attention. In which case, 放送 = ほうそう = broadcast. So 第3放送 = third broadcast.
March 29, 2012 at 7:39 pm #28706Thank you! That makes a lot more sense now. : ) I try to avoid google translate because of that problem, but it didn’t make sense either way… haha! Thanks again. xD
March 31, 2012 at 4:01 pm #28765One day I’ll stop sucking up everyone’s time, but until then, what’s the difference between あおいろ and せいしょく。 They’re both apparently ‘blue’ so is one maybe darker?
EDIT: Just looked some of it up, and apparently しょく is a counter for colors? I can understand what counters are for things like books or bottles or such, but for colors? I don’t really understand the idea.
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March 31, 2012 at 4:19 pm #28767How would you say “a rainbow is made of seven colours” without a counter for colours? =)
Anyway, あおいろ and せいしょく are just different readings for the same noun meaning blue – 青色. Blue as an adjective is 青い (あおい).
March 31, 2012 at 6:36 pm #28772Ah, that makes sense, now. =)
I’m also maybe guessing that since quite a few colors have these alternate -しょく readings, that perhaps it’s a slightly more old-fashioned way? Kind of like how very old texts might refer to England as えいこく and the US as べいこく?
March 31, 2012 at 6:54 pm #28773I don’t know if they’re archaic or not, but the different readings come from the different origins of the words – あおいろ is the native Japanese reading, while せいしょく is the introduced Chinese reading.
On a side note, the old country names aren’t completely obsolete, and are often used for abbreviations in official language – for example, 日米 (にちべい) = Japan and America, for when talking about international relations, say. Personally, I’ve always been amused by 豪, the kanji used to mean Australia – its other meanings are strength, power, magnificence, splendor. =D It’s an abbreviation of 豪太剌利 (read as オーストラリア) or 豪州 (ごうしゅう).
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