Home Forums The Japanese Language The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread.

This topic contains 966 replies, has 85 voices, and was last updated by  Hello 1 year, 11 months ago.

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    Elenkis: Yeah, I do know all that – it just drives me completely nuts…

    Michael: Well, the point is kinda that I waste my time HERE, not there, so even if I could paste links, it wasn’t my first thought. =P But… mouse-over vocab? Of course, it could just be that I don’t have a mouse, but to me the vocab lists are just plain there.

    As for 聴って, it’s not in my dictionary at all. Just 聴く -> 聴いて


    Yeah, there are vocab lists there, but it can be handy to just mouse-over instead of scrolling back up to check the list. It’s not a major advantage, but the point was that I was trying to find another advantage :P



    Mister – what I wanted to say was “I need to practice listening to Japanese.”

    I believe you are right about the conjugation too. Making mistakes is good right?!



    It is a double negative, hence why it becomes a positive. – so Japanese operates like algebra ?!



    Well, it wouldn’t be incorrect to say that English behaves similarly. </self-referential comment> =P

    For this bit of grammar, the literal translation is something like “it’d be bad if you didn’t do it”.



    How droll Joel!


    But that “incorrect” conjugation is still detected by Rikaikun; could be a mistake, or maybe it’s a more casual form or something…



    Mister – Interesting. I haven’t started using Rikaikun yet – how reliable is it?


    I’d say it’s usually pretty awesome :D This is the only time I’ve been unsure about what it’s come up with. Definitely recommend it (or Rikaichan, if you’re a filthy Firefox user).



    Rikai-sama is the only thing I use firefox for. I wish the google plugin had the “save” feature.


    What does the “save” feature do? Does it create your own dictionary of words you’ve seen or something?



    If Firefox users are filthy, what are IE users? =P



    @MisterM: It Allows you to create a line in a text file that contains fields that you can choose (word, reading, English, sentence, sentence with word removed and a few others). The text file can then be imported into Anki.

    So I will generally read an article online (you can also open text files and PDFs with a browser if you have books in those formats) and mouse over the words to see the definition (also supports j-j dictionaries) and hit a key (default is “s”) to add that word to the specified text file. When I’m finished with the article, I import the text file into Anki to create cards for all that vocab at once. Then I go into the text file and delete everything so its fresh and clean for the next time I sit down to read.

    I should also mention that you can set it up to automatically create cards in Anki without having to do the import but I found it hard to use for some reason (I can’t remember why). Also, I’m not sure if this still works with Anki2.


    That sounds quite good actually, very handy.



    A late thank you to マーク for the help!

Viewing 15 posts - 676 through 690 (of 967 total)

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