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This topic contains 966 replies, has 85 voices, and was last updated by  Hello 1 year, 11 months ago.

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    なって is the て-form of なる, “to become”. て-form + 欲しい = want some verb to take place. 好きになる = come to like, fall in love, et cetera.

    So yeah, your translation is correct.



    なって is the て-form of なる, “to become”. て-form + 欲しい = want some verb to take place. 好きになる = come to like, fall in love, et cetera.

    So yeah, your translation is correct.

    Omigosh thank you. >w<;
    I actually just learned about たーforms a couple of days ago, so I don’t really know what て-forms are all about yet. So I assumed it was just some kind of variation of “to become”. The problem I had was that I kept trying to translate it too literally. So I kept reading it as, “I like to become want.” Which of course makes no sense, at least in English. I didn’t realize that なる could be used in a sentence like this. Because of that it throw me off for a while. xD (I also didn’t realize that 好きになる = “fall in love”. So that’s really handy to know! :D)

    Anyway, thanks again. ;3



    *peeks* Is anyone here? Help, please.

    So in my Lang-8 entry, I wrote:
    (It’s) one of my favorite fruits.

    It was corrected into:

    But I’m more curious about this correction:

    I can’t explain but we usually say ~のうちのひとつ/~の中のひとつ for “one of ~”.
    うち(内) means “inside/within”

    Why is it の中のひとつ?



    果物の中 would be “from among all fruits”. It’s ひとつ rather than 一個 because you’re talking about a type of fruit rather than the actual fruit itself.



    Not so much “don’t understand” as “can’t read” – can anyone make out (or know from other sources) the top two red kanji in this image?




    Do you know the name of that tower?



    Tsutenkaku. It’s in Osaka.

    Are you quizzing me? =P




    I was trying to find a picture online with a better shot, but it seems to be a rather unique message.



    Yeah, I found a few images showing the same text, but they’re all similarly blurry. It’s hard to take photos of lights at night.



    I asked some cats over at WK, they came back with:


    Looks like we have a winner. ^_^



    It does look like that, yes, but… what exactly is もってますか!!警戒心 supposed to mean, then? =P



    I got back the following:

    Sundar said… The top part is もってますか meaning “do you possess” and since 警戒心 means ‘wariness’ I’m guessing it’s just an advertisement for a place to rest

    floe said… I would have simply translated it as ‘Are you cautious?’ ‘Are you alert?’. No idea how likely it is, but could it be that this is directed at road users to be watchful when driving?

    And this pic was posted:



    もってますか警戒心 You Aware bro?
    Is a reminder to stay aware and if you’re not then to rest, just like the picture you posted that says

    運転中眠気 Sleepy while driving?
    いつ休む? When should you rest?
    今でしょ! Now!

    Which is unfortunately another terrible usage of the 今でしょう joke



    hello everyone
    i started to play some old final fantasy in japanese and am getting a lot of trouble understanding what they say. i translate most of what i read but the translation does not make sense at all. so i guess i will seek help often and compare to my translation.

    before i start i would like to ask for advice. i want to play either final fantasy 3 which only includes hiragana and katakana or final fantasy 6 which also has kanji. which one you think is better for me (who knows up to what season 4 taught me)?

    now to the first few phrases:
    そのグルガンぞくのおとこは しずかにかたった・・・・
    このだいじしんでさえも たんなるよちょうにすぎぬと

    thank you in advance



    before i start i would like to ask for advice. i want to play either final fantasy 3 which only includes hiragana and katakana or final fantasy 6 which also has kanji. which one you think is better for me (who knows up to what season 4 taught me

    Kanji. Definitely kanji. If it’s got furigana (little hiragana written over kanji that indicate the reading) then go for kanji every time. Even if you can’t read the kanji, it helps you recognise it better, and with kanji it’s way easier to look up the meanings of words. Way way easier.

    そのグルガンぞくのおとこは しずかにかたった・・・・

    “The men of the Gurgan Tribe swindled quietly.” Though the verb could also be “chanted” – that’s why kanji helps.

    このだいじしんでさえも たんなるよちょうにすぎぬと

    Um. I think “Even this huge earthquake is just an omen of what’s to come” – but again, kanji would help.

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