Home Forums TextFugu The Particles を and に

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    I’m on season 3 chapter 8 on Doing Something (part 2) and I have just learned the two particles. It sounds like every time the speaker says something with を, it sounds like she is just saying “o” without the w. Example: にほんごをはなします sounds like Nihongoo Hanashimasu instead of what I would presume to be Nihongo wo Hanashimasu.

    More specific example: http://www.textfugu.com/season-3/doing2/8-4/ the first sound at the top. Do you pronounce the wo as o?



    It’s pronounced “o” not “woah!”



    Wait, does Koichi never mention that?

    Yes, the particle を is always pronounced the same as お. And in modern Japanese, the hiragana character を is only ever used as the particle を…



    Thanks for summing it up! and I don’t think Koichi does reference the pronunciation, but you can slightly tell by the audio clips. ありがとう。



    Hmm? I’m sure it was there when I went through TextFugu… maybe the page got revised out sometime in the last year or so. Surely needs correcting, I think you should email him with that one.



    There you go. But to be fair, sometimes を can have a slight ‘w’-ish sound, depending on what sound comes before and on the person saying it. Unless I’m crazy and I’m hearing things…

    When I was looking for that page, I was reminded again of how unintuitive the layout of TextFugu is, ugh :/ Had to trawl through a lot of guff to find it, since the pages of each chapter aren’t labelled in the contents. I can’t count how many times he’s fiddled with the design and layout of the site (instead of actually adding content) and it’s ended up worse and worse when you would have thought he be improving it. He really shouldn’t have split everything into separate pages – if everything for each chapter is in one big page like it used to be, you can easily Ctrl+F to get to the good bits, unlike this unlabelled mess there is now.

    …another rant there, sorry folks :P

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