Home Forums Mini-Lessons The Quote Game

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  でねす 10 years, 6 months ago.

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    Don’t we all love quotes? I have five reasons to love quotes.
    1. I love them so you should too.
    2. Koichi puts them in all his lessons.
    3. The origins of the quotes are often wise people who say something interesting to think about.
    4. Oftentimes they are short sentences with a nice grammarpoint to practice. My English is far from perfect but they’ve helped me a lot.
    5. I love them so you should too.

    Many people have some quotes they really like, perhaps they even love’em. So, I thought of making a little game (or mini-lesson if you prefer). Here’s what I want you to do:
    1. Find a quote you like.
    2. Translate it into Japanese.
    3. Post it on lang-8 to make sure it is correct.
    4. Post both the translated and the untranslated version of it here.
    5. Try to read some quotes other have posted to get a little reading practice.

    Please make a space between the Japanese and the English versions so people don’t see the original version before trying to understand the Japanese version first.

    Here’s two of mine:

    “People who boast about their I.Q. are losers.”
    Stephen Hawking

    Here’s my second one. I think it is a pretty difficult one and I wouldn’t have understood it if I found it myself but this is how it was corrected on lang-8.
    “A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself.”
    Jim Morrison

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by  Cimmik.



    “No! No try! Do! Or do not! There is no try!”

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by  でねす.
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