Home Forums TextFugu The Resources I'm Using

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    I started by learning both Hiragana and Katana to a decent point using the Tofugu’s Ultimate Kana guides. From there I decided upon using a combination of TextFugu and WaniKani to get myself a good foundation as they’re aimed at teaching you from nothing. Once I complete TextFugu I figured I’d work through the Genki I & II textbooks until EtoEto is released. I’ve also been using Anki and NHK to review my grammar.

    I there anything else I should be doing or anything I’ve taken the wrong approach to?

    Links to the resources mentioned:



    I reckon it’s worth getting the Dictionaries of Japanese Grammar. =)


    Genki (and, for that matter Nakama) covers roughly the same territory as TextFugu, so I’m not entirely certain you’ll get much benefit from doing them one after the other except for reinforcement. That said, they are pretty useful for reinforcement. Something to consider moving on to after you’ve finished Genki is Tobira: http://tobiraweb.9640.jp/



    I’ve actually been meaning to buy the dictionaries but I’m not that far into grammar so I’ve been putting it off. I started with TextFugu because it seems to focus on keeping you motivated through the beginner phase. Then I planned on changing over to Genki for the reinforcement until the release of EtoEto (but that will probably be late next year). After googling Tobira I remembered seeing it before and it sounds like a good choice. Thanks for the recommendation :)

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