Home Forums The Japanese Language The sentence ender の

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    I have just finished TF before school started and am just getting started on Tae Kim’s complete guide to Japanese. In his nouns section he says that の is used to seek explanation but TF says that it is a female sentence ender that can serve to either add emphasis or serve as the question marker か. I am somewhat confused by this and wanted to know what you all think/know so that I make sure to use this properly, if at all.



    It only sounds female-ish if it’s a sentence. If it’s used in a question then it’s gender neutral, according to TK.

    I say that, but even though I’m a guy I use の at the end of sentences all the time. Cause I’m 17 and love anime…



    のです = seeking explanation. It’s the slightly more formal version of んです. Also のだ or んだ.

    ですの = feminine ending.



    Yeah I forgot to clarify that. It sounds feminine when the の is the very last thing in the sentence. のだ/んだ is a different grammar.

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