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This topic contains 936 replies, has 75 voices, and was last updated by マーク・ウェーバー 11 years, 9 months ago.
May 25, 2011 at 7:40 am #11321
Today I’m trying to catch up on some overdue Anki material. I’m going to finish up the Season1 vocab so that I can download the Season2 deck. And keep working on decreasing that RTK deck (660 cards due). Then I’ll do something fun – maybe a jpod101 lesson?
May 25, 2011 at 2:01 pm #11339I’m going to review some kanji tonight =)
May 26, 2011 at 8:31 pm #11499Caught up on my anki-reviews! I am working on memorizing my い adjectives and kanji!
May 27, 2011 at 7:08 am #11518Today I’m going to keep working on my RTK deck, trying to catch up with it. Also going to review na-adjectives. I flew through the adjectives lessons last time and feel really shaky on the concept.
May 27, 2011 at 8:45 am #11538*Sigh* I wonder how many people backslide like I do? Kind of wasted all of this month when I could have made some great progress on Japanese. I guess it was a second burnout. The good news is that it’s only been a month, whereas last time I let study drop for significantly longer. Now it’s time to get back to business and find out the horrifying truth of just how much I learned actually made it to my long-term memory, and what must be wrestled with for days all over again.
In any case I *should* be at the adjective lessons in season 2 and studying 4-stroke Kanji. Obviously won’t be there right away. I want to start RTK eventually as well.
May 27, 2011 at 9:00 am #11539Chigun, you’re not the only one. I feel like I’ve been floundering ever since I finish RTK in early April. I don’t think I’ve made any forward progress since then. *sigh* Let’s just grab hold of today and not waste any more time. :) Good luck with your studying today!
This reply was modified 13 years, 9 months ago by
May 27, 2011 at 1:28 pm #11557winterpromise31, why not start doing the Ultimate Vocab lists? They’re positively splendiforous ;) But seriously, I’m feeling real progress going through the verbs one at the moment (nearly finished). Unless, of course, you’re doing Core2/6000 instead, then it would be pointless.
May 27, 2011 at 2:28 pm #11560Michael – I’ve thought about doing the Ultimate lists. There are still a couple lessons in Season 2 that I haven’t read yet so I thought I’d download the Ultimates when I get to them in Season 3. Hmmm… Do you feel the verbs list is helping? Are you doing any output? Any native materials?
May 27, 2011 at 3:09 pm #11564Nah, still way too beginner for native materials :P Even after going through all the Ultimate lists, there is still the matter of grammar, piecing everything together. I think once I get to the end of Season 3 (fingers-crossed it’ll be finished soon hehe), I’ll have another go at writing a Lang-8 post. I did so at the end of Season 2, so it’ll be cool to see the improvement :)
May 27, 2011 at 3:17 pm #11565I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels way too beginner for native materials. lol I look at websites full of Japanese and my brain shuts down a bit. :P I’ll recognize things here and there but I feel grammar is my weakest point right now. I only understand basic sentence structure and most sentences are way too long for me to comprehend.
May 27, 2011 at 4:51 pm #11575High-five for being beginners! :P We’ve not been studying long so it’s not really surprising that we’re both at a beginner stage; no one would expect us to be experts already. Just gotta keep going, making a little progress at a time and we’ll get to intermediate stage soon enough :) Koichi plans to be finished Season 6 by the end of the year (Pfft! As if :P) – should be the end of beginnerhood and on to intermediatedom; a good mid-term goal, to be beyond newbieville by the end of the year ;)
Y’know, as much as I can’t understand 1% of native material yet, I am noticing gradually more words here and there, which is nice. Listened to a Perfume song today that I’ve heard 9001 times already and heard 「諦める」(あきらめる)[give up] which is one of my Ultimate Verbs – I wasn’t actively listening, I just heard it randomly and it put a smile on my face when I recognised it :) I’m getting to studying native material one word at a time ;)
The damned (but beautiful) writing system is really what’s been slowing us down – any other language and we’d be pro by now ;)
May 27, 2011 at 5:03 pm #11576Awwwwwwww. That was such an inspiring post! ;) Yay for aiming to get out of beginnerhood by the end of the year. I really do want to start understanding more without having to sit and carefully pick things apart. Practice, practice!
Are you sure you want あきらめる as one of your Ultimate Verbs? ;) There is no あきらめる-ing allowed here! haha Great job hearing and recognizing something in the wild!
Yeah, we’ll blame the writing system. ;)
I finished reviewing the na-adjective lesson today. I think I’ve got a pretty good handle on that concept now. Tomorrow night I’ll just be reviewing all of my due Anki cards. Sunday it’s on to the i-adjectives and pushing to finish Season 2 soon. The adverbs lesson is new to me as well so maybe I’ll finish that on Monday.
May 27, 2011 at 5:11 pm #11577Hehe, thanks ;)
Another good thing about 諦める is that kanji in there: it’s part of the supplement :D It’s actually proving useful :P
Oh oh oh, you’re starting the adverbs lesson soon? That’s probably the best lesson I’ve done so far in terms of feeling the progress, so look forward to it :) Not so much the regular adverbs but the “nouny adverbs” (adverbial nouns to be precise ;)) – words like “generally, yesterday, a little bit, very, every day, sometimes, not at all” are so useful it’s unreal XD Makes you feel so advanced afterwards :P My favourite one was “What the…!?” (not sure it’s an adverb, but sure is useful hehe).
May 28, 2011 at 9:11 am #11610Got all finished with Hiragana and the combination and Dakuten, and now I’m trudging through Katakana. Feels good to be studying though I was slacking for 3 or 4 days.
Also I had never watched Anime until yesterday and I watched FLCL I dunno if you can call that studying though.
May 28, 2011 at 10:06 am #11612today i did 15 more kanji with rtk, and studied more verbs. going to read through some of Tae Kim’s grammar guide which i got printed up.(sorry koichi for saying it here… however i am still using textfugu). and yeah thats it taking it slow. a little at a time.
This reply was modified 13 years, 9 months ago by
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