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    Today I’m trying to catch up on some overdue Anki material. I’m going to finish up the Season1 vocab so that I can download the Season2 deck. And keep working on decreasing that RTK deck (660 cards due). Then I’ll do something fun – maybe a jpod101 lesson?



    I’m going to review some kanji tonight =)



    Caught up on my anki-reviews! I am working on memorizing my い adjectives and kanji!



    Today I’m going to keep working on my RTK deck, trying to catch up with it. Also going to review na-adjectives. I flew through the adjectives lessons last time and feel really shaky on the concept.



    *Sigh* I wonder how many people backslide like I do? Kind of wasted all of this month when I could have made some great progress on Japanese. I guess it was a second burnout. The good news is that it’s only been a month, whereas last time I let study drop for significantly longer. Now it’s time to get back to business and find out the horrifying truth of just how much I learned actually made it to my long-term memory, and what must be wrestled with for days all over again.

    In any case I *should* be at the adjective lessons in season 2 and studying 4-stroke Kanji. Obviously won’t be there right away. I want to start RTK eventually as well.



    Chigun, you’re not the only one. I feel like I’ve been floundering ever since I finish RTK in early April. I don’t think I’ve made any forward progress since then. *sigh* Let’s just grab hold of today and not waste any more time. :) Good luck with your studying today!


    winterpromise31, why not start doing the Ultimate Vocab lists? They’re positively splendiforous ;) But seriously, I’m feeling real progress going through the verbs one at the moment (nearly finished). Unless, of course, you’re doing Core2/6000 instead, then it would be pointless.



    Michael – I’ve thought about doing the Ultimate lists. There are still a couple lessons in Season 2 that I haven’t read yet so I thought I’d download the Ultimates when I get to them in Season 3. Hmmm… Do you feel the verbs list is helping? Are you doing any output? Any native materials?


    Nah, still way too beginner for native materials :P Even after going through all the Ultimate lists, there is still the matter of grammar, piecing everything together. I think once I get to the end of Season 3 (fingers-crossed it’ll be finished soon hehe), I’ll have another go at writing a Lang-8 post. I did so at the end of Season 2, so it’ll be cool to see the improvement :)



    I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels way too beginner for native materials. lol I look at websites full of Japanese and my brain shuts down a bit. :P I’ll recognize things here and there but I feel grammar is my weakest point right now. I only understand basic sentence structure and most sentences are way too long for me to comprehend.


    High-five for being beginners! :P We’ve not been studying long so it’s not really surprising that we’re both at a beginner stage; no one would expect us to be experts already. Just gotta keep going, making a little progress at a time and we’ll get to intermediate stage soon enough :) Koichi plans to be finished Season 6 by the end of the year (Pfft! As if :P) – should be the end of beginnerhood and on to intermediatedom; a good mid-term goal, to be beyond newbieville by the end of the year ;)

    Y’know, as much as I can’t understand 1% of native material yet, I am noticing gradually more words here and there, which is nice. Listened to a Perfume song today that I’ve heard 9001 times already and heard 「諦める」(あきらめる)[give up] which is one of my Ultimate Verbs – I wasn’t actively listening, I just heard it randomly and it put a smile on my face when I recognised it :) I’m getting to studying native material one word at a time ;)

    The damned (but beautiful) writing system is really what’s been slowing us down – any other language and we’d be pro by now ;)



    Awwwwwwww. That was such an inspiring post! ;) Yay for aiming to get out of beginnerhood by the end of the year. I really do want to start understanding more without having to sit and carefully pick things apart. Practice, practice!

    Are you sure you want あきらめる as one of your Ultimate Verbs? ;) There is no あきらめる-ing allowed here! haha Great job hearing and recognizing something in the wild!

    Yeah, we’ll blame the writing system. ;)

    I finished reviewing the na-adjective lesson today. I think I’ve got a pretty good handle on that concept now. Tomorrow night I’ll just be reviewing all of my due Anki cards. Sunday it’s on to the i-adjectives and pushing to finish Season 2 soon. The adverbs lesson is new to me as well so maybe I’ll finish that on Monday.


    Hehe, thanks ;)

    Another good thing about 諦める is that kanji in there: it’s part of the supplement :D It’s actually proving useful :P

    Oh oh oh, you’re starting the adverbs lesson soon? That’s probably the best lesson I’ve done so far in terms of feeling the progress, so look forward to it :) Not so much the regular adverbs but the “nouny adverbs” (adverbial nouns to be precise ;)) – words like “generally, yesterday, a little bit, very, every day, sometimes, not at all” are so useful it’s unreal XD Makes you feel so advanced afterwards :P My favourite one was “What the…!?” (not sure it’s an adverb, but sure is useful hehe).



    Got all finished with Hiragana and the combination and Dakuten, and now I’m trudging through Katakana. Feels good to be studying though I was slacking for 3 or 4 days.

    Also I had never watched Anime until yesterday and I watched FLCL I dunno if you can call that studying though.


    Tom Maoz

    today i did 15 more kanji with rtk, and studied more verbs. going to read through some of Tae Kim’s grammar guide which i got printed up.(sorry koichi for saying it here… however i am still using textfugu). and yeah thats it taking it slow. a little at a time.

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