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    Just finished ultimate nouns, really pleased that I got through the 3 lists within the time frame I wanted. Ended up being a bit quicker than I expected actually, just over 2 weeks I think.



    Have finally sorted out my Anki decks (I hadn’t really set them up properly until today… bad robot) and went through my Hiragana, Sentences 1 and 1 stroke radicals decks. Been reviewing Season 1 and making a start on Season 2. Excited to start that season, it looks really interesting, loads of resources to study.










    My eyeeees!

    I caught up with my Anki reviews last night… Hiragana, sentences and 1/2 stroke radicals. Still having awful trouble remembering dakuten so have decided to focus on those intensely this weekend.
    Made a start on the first few kanji, mainly out of curiosity. Really have to stop myself from trying to remember too much at once :(

    (after saying that… turns out it took me 2 mins to learn dakuten once I stopped trying to do it by sight alone. I should know by now that my brain doesn’t work like that! ばか! >< )

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 1 month ago by  ooh_a_robot.
    • This reply was modified 13 years, 1 month ago by  ooh_a_robot.

    @ooh_a_robot: You made a start with kanji? Well done! Keep it up! :D



    I have been doing reviews the last 2 days now, I’m gonna press on with TextFugu’s content on Monday I think.

    I also posted this on Lang-8 along with what I intended to say, I was totally guessing with the third sentence haha.

    このところはふるくてとてもふしぎです。 こわいもおもいです。
    This place is old and very mysterious. I think it’s scary too.

    あれはとても難しかったです。 なにはこたえでしたか。
    That was very difficult. What was the answer?

    Yesterday he walked the dog.

    I don’t like apples but I do like grapes.

    I was a little surprised because I didn’t get that many corrections, the third sentence was the only one that had more than minor errors so I was quite pleased!

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 1 month ago by  Luke.
    • This reply was modified 13 years, 1 month ago by  Luke.


    @Mister – Yeah only a quick peek at the first few though, plus some radicals. I’m getting RTK Book 1 for Christmas though, so I’m trying to wait until then before I really make a start. Can’t wait to start it properly!





    MIND FUCK! 0.0
    Pretty cool trick there Mister ^^


    @Yggbert: First sentence should end おもいます. Is ここ maybe better than このところ? I’m not sure… Second one should be こたえはなんでしたか。, I think.

    @ooh_a_robot: Yes! RTK all the way! :P I did book one and it was great :) Book two apparently sucks though, and book three probably wont be necessary until you’re getting to the later stages of the language, I presume.

    @Mark W: I’d like to say I came up with it myself, but… :P



    @Mister – I heard book 2 sucks as well… any idea why though?? I might get it eventually regardless. Along with some sort of grammar book… maybe the one Missing has sung the praises of before.


    @ooh_a_robot: There’s probably a preview of it online, so check it out before you buy it (if you do). I think the main reason is that there are so many other better ways to learn readings, and… nah, someone else who’s actually used the book could probably explain it’s cons better haha. I’m just going on hearsay. Really though, whether the book is good or bad, I find it better to learn readings as part of words, rather than learning them separately. It was handy doing TextFugu’s method at first, but then I realised I was “picking up” readings a lot fast than I was learning them with his system.

    By the time you get through RTK 1, you should probably have a clear idea of what you want to do :)



    I finished Read Real Japanese Essays, so now I’m moving on to the Fiction book in that series. These days I feel like the only thing that matters is getting through as much material as possible. I don’t stop to read the notes or listen to the recordings. Sometimes I don’t even stop to look up words I don’t know. I just get the basic idea of each sentence and keep reading.

    When you study, you constantly have to figure out what rules to follow and what rules to break. Sure, it is better to read the notes. There might be something useful in there. But the notes are in a totally different part of the book, and flipping back and forth is a hassle, and interrupts the flow of your reading. If you force yourself to always read every note, then reading starts to feel like a chore, and you stop wanting to do it.

    And of course when you stop wanting to read, you have a harder time getting motivated to do it. That road leads to missed study days, which leads to quitting altogether. So you end up doing things in this sort of half-assed way just to cut down on the tedium, but you are always kind of dissatisfied with the fact that you aren’t doing things “the right way.”



    If you’re interested in manga then another excellent resource for reading is the Mangajin magazine series. Each issue is about 90 pages (70 issues total) mostly full of real manga with translations and notes on the opposite page. The notes are especially useful for the colloquialisms that manga is often full of. It’s like a manga version of Breaking into Japanese Literature.

    It covers a variety of manga from different genres and speech styles (and difficulty), including some classical Japanese. Keeps things interesting.

    Unfortunately it’s been out of print for over a decade now, but every issue can be found in PDF format online if you care to look for them. (I don’t condone copyright infringement, but in this case the company no longer exists and the works aren’t in print)



    @Michael One of the corrections was indeed ここ at the start of that sentence, I didn’t know it could also be used for “this place”!

    Today I started making my own Anki deck with basic and useful phrases copied from an app on my phone, figured they would be handy to know. All of my ultimate decks are back to normal on Anki now so I’m not doing 600+ reviews a day, ha. Not sure why my stats got reset but that was pretty annoying.

    I’m resuming TextFugu content today too.

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