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This topic contains 936 replies, has 75 voices, and was last updated by  マーク・ウェーバー 11 years, 9 months ago.

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    HypnoCrown: I don’t know if you missed it or what, but you’re not supposed to translate them at all. AJATT is quite anti-translation in general. Very early on if you’re still new to Japanese you can use translations but they’re meant to be pretty general. So if you can do it without translations, it’d be a better method.

    He gives you translations in the sample pack to get you started I believe.

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 8 months ago by  Sheepy.


    Armando – RTK is Remembering the Kanji by Heisig. There are a couple of threads on the forum devoted to that study resource. :) Also, do you have iTunes? I listen to the toyota metapolis podcast and really enjoy it.

    Today’s studying – Reviewed all Anki cards that were due. Finished up the “I want” lesson. Quite a simple concept once you practice it a few times. Started on the Adverbs lesson. Tomorrow I’ll have to un-suspend the adverbs from the Season2 master Anki list and start learning those, plus continue the Adverbs lesson.



    Must learn vocab. So very boring. AHHHHHHHHHHHH.

    On a more positive note, my RTK reviews are now down below 100 again. Also, I went to Book-Off, a used/new book/video game store) and bought the first book of the Spiderwick Chronicles in Japanese. I never read them in English but I’ve heard thy’re supposed to be okay and since they’re written for a younger audience shouldn’t be too hard to read. I made it through the first page at about 75% understanding.



    I just finished season 2! Yay for me.

    Right now I’m reviewing a bunch and getting a slow start on season 3.

    (The colors were like, the easiest thing to learn, and I usually suck at learning vocab, so…getting better, I guess?)


    ♪ 赤い and 黄色い and ピンク and 緑, 紫 and オレンジ色 and 青いぃぃぃぃ… ♪




    My Dad is home from the hospital for just over a week now. That put more work on us but it is starting to settle down into a routine. Trying to get back to regular study time.

    I have been listening to podcasts and youtube lessons. I will get back to Textfugu. It forces the kanji and hiragana on you so you don’t cheat. :)



    I’m back from uni for the summer now so I hope that I can get more work down!
    I’ve been reviewing the Anki lists and need to start season 3 soon… but I will probably revise kanji before that :)


    Reviewed all the words in the Ultimate Nouns #1 list at least once :) I was so quick because it’s only 101 words and I already knew about half of them from past TextFugu lists. The ones I didn’t know are still very useful, though. Can’t wait for: A. Ultimate Adjectives (gotta clear up some reviews before I start that though) B. the next installment of Ultimate Nouns.



    What are these lists you speak of and how might I obtain them? :O



    I am studying/finishing up all of my grade six kanji. I know, textfugu’s method of teaching kanji, is all about stroke order, however it doesn’t move fast enough for me. :((
    I’m constantly upping the kanji, during the day I study grades 1-6, and at night I study the last half of the list.

    Anyhow, I am hard studying kanji and prepping for the JLPT. Is anyone else getting ready for the test? Or am I just weird? If so, which one? I’m taking the N3 this year. Any pointers? (those of you who have passed)


    @Lemur: Season 3, brah ;)



    Oh! Thank you. :D I’m almost there.


    Goddamnit, everyone seems to be on Season 3 nowadays :P And a lot faster than I got to it (even if you remove the time spent doing RTK). Y’see, back in my day (a few months ago), we had this thing called “wait for Koichi to rewrite the damn lessons”! XD It made getting to learn new stuff SLOOOOW ;)



    Almost done season 2. Only colors and review left. Also reviewed 4 stroke kanji.



    budonoseito – I’m glad your dad is home. :) :)

    Today I went over adverbs again. Then I read the difficult/easy verbs lesson (new to me). A quick review of colors and I’ll be ready to start tackling all the new lessons in Season 3. ;) I’m very shaky on casual Japanese so hopefully the newly written lessons will solidify that. Grammar is awesome!

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