Home Forums TextFugu The Verb Decks

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    So a while ago I worked through the two verb sections in S2, got the decks, started reviewing. That was a couple weeks ago. I have yet to remember a single verb of them.

    So here’s some criticism/questions about the decks.

    How come I’m expected to learn the verbs in ~masu form, instead of dictionary form? Learning the “root form” of a verb, and learning to conjugate it, seems a lot more useful to me.

    Why aren’t these learned as kanji vocab? Learning things “English -> Hiragana” makes little sense to me. It seems, this is the case with the adjective decks too, with which I’m having the same kind of problems.

    Either way, I’ll have to construct my own decks on these topics, so if anyone could suggest a list of basic verb/adjective vocab I can work off of, that would be awesome.

    Also, does Koichi happen to be working on new decks for these, like the new kanji decks? Those decks are Über Supreme Awesome Sauce(tm)!



    All of the verbs in the Season 2 lessons are also in the Ultimate Verbs deck, and there you can learn them in different forms, and/or as kanji, etc. It’s more a la carte. As far as why they’re not learned as kanji vocab, it’s probably because at that point in the lessons, you don’t have most of the kanji you’ll need to learn them. After getting through Season 2 (and the Ultimate Nouns and Adjectives decks), I’ve gone on a Textfugu hiatus while I’m taking a few months to get through RTK, but in my Textfugu review deck on Anki, I’m gradually adding back in the kanji-based flashcards for the vocabulary I already know. If you already know a lot of kanji, you could do the same thing – add the cards for the kanji you know, suspend them for those you don’t.



    You can always unlock the kanji form of the word so anki will test you on it.

    What I’m doing is going through RTK, then, once I’m done, I’ll add the kanji section of the the ultimate decks. Since I already learned all the ultimate vocab I’ll just have to connect kanji with word… Seems a lot simpler doing things by steps, but of course you are welcome to do whatever works for you.



    Oh, I didn’t know about those Ultimate decks. Where would those be available?



    Just open the Season 3 tab, on the right, under ”chapter extras” you’ll find those.

    To be precise,
    1. What You’ll Go Do ……………..For the verb deck
    3. Being Casual Part 1 (Nouns)……..For the noun deck
    4. Being Casual Part 2 (Adjectives)…For the adj. deck

    and finally for the second noun deck, you’ll need to go directly to the page, since the link in the ”chapter extras” is broken, Chapter 10, Page 9.


    Well how are you supposed to learn verbs in dictionary form if all you know is “masu” form? Be patient, my child ;)

    And if you don’t like going English to Japanese, flip the deck around (in the “card layout” window).

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