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This topic contains 34 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Tom Jensen 12 years, 10 months ago.

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    Tom Jensen

    Who’s exited? I’M EXITED. I would without a doubt say learning kanji is difficult, but I find it very fun. The only reason I made this thread is for people to share their excitement, or what they would like to see in WakiKani, or maybe just some questions that more knowledgeable people may be willing to answer (a.k.a. Koichi, Hashi). SUPER stoked for this!

    And you should sign up for the beta if you haven’t already –> WaniKani.com


    Couldn’t care less lol. I did RTK and still review it, no need for more kanji training for me – sorry to ruin the mood ^^
    Once again this proves Koichi and team cares nothing for updates on textfugu and do a lot of other stuff, instead of keeping promises to already paying customers.


    Tom Jensen

    Well I can see your point too, heh. Never heard of RTK, but I’ll look into it. I’m all for trying new things, I guess that’s all I’m really exited for. I just want to get my petootie into high gear and study. I’m only in chapter two, but I could see how them dedicating their time to something else might be frustrating.


    Tom Jensen

    Although, I do feel stupid now.



    I do think it’s a little odd to launch a new site when work here is kinda slow. I’m not gonna use it because I’ve also done RTK and now I just learn compounds through iKnow. It’ll have to be something special to be better than http://readthekanji.com too


    Tom Jensen

    Hmmm… that site looks promising too, but is the RTK people are refering too Remembering the Kanji or Read the Kanji???


    To be fair, WaniKani has apparently been majorly Viet’s responsibility, so it shouldn’t have taken time away from TextFugu (is time even given to that in the first place? :P).

    RTK is almost always Remembering the Kanji. You should look into it Tom. I learned 2000 in about 2 months of solid studying (only focussing on kanji, nothing else), then went super-slow and spent another month on the extra kanji that were in the new edition (about 200 new ones).


    Tom Jensen

    Hmmm… seems like a good idea. If I could get 2000 done in 2 months that would be golden. I was wondering something though, just looking through the first book (found it in pdf format for free?) and it only seems to be teaching you the meanings of all the kanji, not how to say them… am I missing something? Or is that in book two?



    The readings are in the second book but I don’t know too many people who have used it and said it was worth the time. Use the first book, learn the “meanings” and how to write them. The most important thing you get out of this is the ability to easily recognize and differentiate between kanji. Learn the reading later through other means. Many people (myself included) say not to focus on learning the reading at all, just start learning vocabulary and you will pick up the readings.


    Tom Jensen

    You mean when I learn the words later on (via TextFugu and other scources) I can use them with the kanji?



    Without dedicated kanji study first, you have to learn your vocabulary with hiragana. This has one advantage: you can recognize spoken vocabulary faster. It has two disadvantages: 1) The words are harder to remember as a string of unrelated meaningless sounds and 2) you will essentially have to learn all your vocab over again when you do eventually get around to adding kanji.

    In my opinion, it’s better to get the kanji out of the way first via RTK or a similar method. Then jump to vocab; real, full-on, not-watered-down vocab.



    Just be prepared for the most boring months of your life when doing RTK.



    ^Which is why I’ve never been able to finish kanji.

    I have not yet found a way to study kanji that makes me actually want to do it. Inevitably it always becomes too tedious, and then I drop it. And once I drop it, I tend to never work up the will to restart.

    So, I signed up for the new beta. I figure I’ll have a go and see how it works out for me.


    ↑ what yggbert said – worth it though ^^



    Ergh.. Back to RTK again – Kanji Damage, same ish.. just with cock jokes..

    However WaniKani would be far more useful than Kanjidamage – at least it’s presented in a progress-traceable format – I hate taking time to organise and track myself.. just takes time away from studying!!! Ergh.

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 10 months ago by  Hashi. Reason: language plz k thx
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