Home Forums The Japanese Language this は that じゃありません

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    On this page: http://www.textfugu.com/season-2/particle-ha/6-4/#top

    We see:

    “A は B じゃありません

    In this sentence, we once again have “A は B” (A is B), but this time we have じゃありません instead of です. This sentence translates to “A is not B.” The じゃありません placed at the end of this sentence makes the “A is B” part negative, making the sentence mean “A is not B.” If we translated this literally, it would be something like “A is B is not” – you can see how that doesn’t work very well in English, but that’s basically what’s happening with the above sentence.”

    I studied Japanese a bit before trying TextFugu, so I’m going through stuff that is sometimes review. In my previous studies I covered は, and it was defined for me as “regarding” or “in regards to”. In Textfugu it’s taught as “is”, “am”, “are”, etc., and that’s what I was taught です meant.

    In the paragraph I quoted he covers that to some degree by saying they both sort of mean “is”, “am”, “are”, etc., but I wonder if I should still think of は as “regarding”?

    Which way is a better way to think of は? Is one more accurate or helpful? Is there a definition that’s better than those two?




    I would think of it more in the fashion that you mentioned as having learned it before. It marks the topic being talked about, “A” in this case.



    I’d go by は as ‘regarding’ or ‘as for’, mostly because of Tae Kim. Seeing は as ‘is’ might be an easy way of understanding it at first, but since it’s not really accurate, well…better to use a visualisation that’s closer to the truth, even if it’s a little odd to wrap your head around.

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 11 months ago by  Pencil.

    That’s odd, I’m sure I remember Koichi mentioning the “As for…” style in those sections. Maybe he’s changed the book since I read it :S He said you can either think of it as “As for…/Regarding…” or “is”, I’m sure. It’s best just to think of は as the topic particle. It only really functions as “is” in the most basic of sentences, with です・でした・etc. indicating tense.



    Thanks for the clarification! It’s difficult to know when my assumptions are correct or not when it comes to a new language.

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