Home Forums TextFugu This webpage has a redirect loop.

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Joel 9 years, 11 months ago.

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    This is somewhat annoying, I’ve tried accessing different pages on different browsers AND on my laptop without any success. I’ve cleaned my computer/laptop with CCleaner, and I have removed all my cookies. I can only access season one lessons, everything beyond that gives me this error. Screenshot below.





    Link to the image, due to it being broken somehow..



    I’m not having any issue. When I load textfugu.com/#top while logged in, it redirects me to my dashboard, but that’s the only redirecting I see.

    Maybe it’s those stupid #top anchors that lurk at the end of every link?

    Or since you can load chapter 1 just fine, maybe there’s an issue with your account. Maybe e-mail koichi about it. koichi@textfugu.com

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