Home Forums TextFugu Till where does TextFugu plan to go?

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    I am not sure if this has been asked before, but forgive me for being lazy enough to not search.. :D

    I am a lifetime member and I go on and off TF (I am more focused on WK, right now).. But the question was in my mind.. TF is not complete and we all know that, but how far does it plan to go?

    According to some places, right now TF covers something like Genki I and half of Genki II? But how far is it going to go? Will it be just for basic Japanese grammar or go beyond it?

    I don’t like using JLPT as standards because it narrows our perspective a lot, but in terms of JLPT, how far does it want to go? Right now, it is aiming of N4 from what I read at some places.. But what about advanced?



    No idea. :) I’m not sure Koichi has specified where he plans to stop.



    Just idly, why do you think using JLPT as the standard narrows your perspective? I’ve heard that N1 is tricky even for native speakers.

    … Though, to be honest, I’m not entirely certain I didn’t just make that up. =)



    No no.. What I meant was not that JLPT is not a good standard, but the fact that it is probably the only standard.


    Does TextFugu really cover as much as Genki I? I wouldn’t have thought so…
    Also, it’s not so much a question of how much Koichi wants to cover, but more of how much time it will take him to do it. As I keep banging on about, he’s super slow at writing stuff for TF, so even if he plans to cover equivalent amounts of material as Genki I and II (or JLPT N4 or N3 or whatever measure you want), it might not be finished in your lifetime :P Definitely won’t be done in your lifetime as a beginner anyway, that’s for sure.


    David Astrom

    I obviously have no idea where TF might go, but to throw in my pointless two cents, ideally it should keep growing, if you ask me. Not so much for the sake of myself, or someone else in my position who might have surpassed the content by then, but because the site could really aspire to be for Japanese what KhanAcademy is for math. That is assuming that KA is good, but I’ve heard that it is.

    It all depends on what Koichi wants to do with it though, and if TF perhaps takes on more people to create content. I don’t know, just my thoughts.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 11 months ago by  David Astrom.


    Wasn’t there a comment somewhere in the Fugu-book, or updates blog about it being about half complete? It was around season 7 or 8… well, that probably can’t be relied upon anyway.

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