Home Forums TextFugu Time to Get Through Each Season

This topic contains 18 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 12 years, 7 months ago.

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    Each person works at a difference pace and has different time available to study. In my case, I started Season 1 back in March and it’s just gone mid July and I’m onto Season 5. The thing that slowed me down was learning long lists of vocab. I’ve had a lot of free time this year though so If I was more busy, I’d probably be around Season 3 or 4.

    The main thing is being able to recall what you’ve already learnt.

    As for the dip, I haven’t really felt discouraged learning more grammar, vocab and kanji. If anything, It makes me more determined to get closer to my goal.


    Each season has taken me about a week, because I only allow one grammer lesson per day. I also have had experience with a chunk of the information before, up to season 4 at least, but things will definately slow down because of the ton of nee vocab and kanji I am learning. This is why I came to textdugu in the first place. Honestly though go at a pace that you feel does you the most good.


    lol I really can’t remember, but my guess is 3 weeks per season? I stopped using textfugu about half a year ago.



    It took me about four months to go through the entire Textfugu, I think.

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