Home Forums Tips, Hacks, & Ideas For Learning Japanese Tips for learning the verb/adjectives (な/い) lists?

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    These are holding up my progression with TF right now. I just feel like it’s taking me FOREVER to learn these. Does anyone have any recommendations? I’m admittedly pretty terrible at wrote memorization of things. Aside from sitting down and coming up with mnemonics for each one (I’ve tried with some, but apparently I’m not the best at that either) do you all have any recommendations? What worked for you? If nothing else I guess I’ll just spend a few more hours trying to come up with my terrible mnemonics :) I’ve jut been trying to get these down for awhile now and starting to get frustrated.

    Thanks in advance!



    Write them on post-it notes, and stick them to things in your house that match the description of the adjective?



    Don’t get discouraged or worry too much about it now. It’s always difficult to remember words in isolation. As you learn a lot of complete sentences and associate these words with other words, it will become easier to remember them. がんばってくださいね!



    Well Joel beat me to it. My old place was plastered in post-its, like that scene from the Simpsons at the Flanders’ cottage.

    Otherwise, yeah there’s a definite learning curve when starting to pick up the words. Maybe try this at the beginning of the day, and Anki may fall a bit short for you here but load up your list, and go through the words but keep clicking the… red button? I’m sorry I haven’t Anki’d in a while, but you want the button that makes it come up again soon. Do it for all of them like 3 or 4 times until you get it almost right away.

    Then cry for 45 minutes. (optional)

    Then some time at the end of the day, do it again (you may have to change settings for it to let you). SRS does work to an extent but I found trying to pound that many words into my head, it did tend to not make a difference for me even though I was doing it at the same time everyday. You will get there – you learned one language, you can learn another. Building vocab is a particularly fun hurdle to get over but with some practise and figuring out what works for you, you’ll get there. The important thing is to try not to get discouraged, as trout mentioned.

    Best of luck!!

    I haz a blog http://maninjapanchannel.wordpress.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLQzB-1u-dg
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