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This topic contains 59 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Tori 13 years, 2 months ago.

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    My only ‘retro’ consoles are my PS2 and Dreamcast, kinda hard to call them retro I think, I mean the Dreamcast still looks quite good, look at this video from the Japanese version of Shenmue: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P59BhyfweAU impressive for a 13 year old game I think. :D

    and I have a PS3 which is basically a Blu-Ray player and my 360 which only gets used to play Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and Super Street Fighter IV, I do most my gaming on PC really.

    Edit: ok that’s it, that video made me want to play Shenmue, off to dust off the case I go. :D

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 2 months ago by  Luke.
    • This reply was modified 13 years, 2 months ago by  Luke.

    @Larisa: You’re paying for the air fare, right? ;) Or, alternatively, just send カービ over and I’ll take a ride on his star… which is mostly likely a euphemism for some kinda drug-taking…

    As for consoles, I have a GameCube, a PS2 (really it’s my brother’s, but I’ve used it so much it may as well be mine too :P) and a Gameboy Advance (which I haven’t used in years and which I only have about 3 games for; this is the regular kind, not the SP one). My dad bought a PS3, but it’s really only him and my brother that use it – I bought Soul Calibur IV and Guitar Hero 4 for it, though. I tired playing Fallout 3 and Red Dead Redemption, but I just never got into them.

    Besides actual consoles, we have a PC, which is where I do a lot of my gaming these days. And I’ll be getting a Wii very soon, because I have Skyward Sword’s limited edition bundle sitting up in my room back home, and I’ll need something to play it on ;D

    I hardly ever buy games: 1. I don’t have copious amounts of money, and the money I do have I don’t like spending it too much XD 2. I LOVE replying my old games :3. The last game I bought was Portal 2 at the end of the Summer, and before that, my brother bought me Left 4 Dead 2, WAY back at the end of 2009! :P I mean, I bought “The Longest Journey” on GoG.com this Summer too, and I’ve just finished playing The Legend of Zelda on a NES emulator, but I don’t buy/play many new games. I have a HUGE list of games I wanna replay, actually, two of them being Monkey Island 2 (which is my avatar :3) and 4.

    (Also, I usually play the Wii or Xbox360 if I’m over at a friend’s house, so I guess that counts as me *playing* new games, but they’re not mine haha)

    This little TextFugu community is great, don’t you think? ;D



    If you had to choose between the wii or the kinect, which would you choose? My mom wants to get us one for Christmas, but my bro hates both….



    Wow, reading this just made me realize how old I am…
    Lets put it this way, I played Mario Bros. and duck hunt on the NES when they came out…
    I even had an Atari I remember playing on…
    In all fairness, I was born in the late 70′s but I can remember into the early 80′s. Heck I even remember some of my kindergarten days, lol.

    I currently own a PS2, XBox 360 (Elite), PS3 (Slim), Wii, PSP’s (2-2000, 1-3000, 1 Go), and a DS Lite. I used to have a DSi but it met it’s doom early on. My wife finds the PSP Go perfect for her small hands. She used to dislike how big the PSP 2000 was. Meh, I bought the PSP Go and didn’t like it so this works and everyone is happy. I can’t wait to get a PS Vita next year to replace the 3K I’m using now. I’ll take a PS over an XBox any day but that’s just because I prefer the controller and it has Blu Ray and apps for my online content. I’d love to sell the XBox but I won’t ship and the system isn’t popular around here. Might get rid of the Wii soon too but it’s still used so… We game on one of the computers a bit but most of the playing is done on a console. Yes, I’m techie… you should see my home network! Three gateways and a PBX system, lol.

    @Tori Wait on the Wii IMHO. The Wii U is expected next year and should be a major update over the current model. If Nintendo’s update was building on the base such as Microsoft and the Kinect it might be a different story but the Wii is about to become outdated. The Kinect can be a PITA if it doesn’t like your room though. Personally I like the Move’s accuracy but given the two choices I’d get the Kinect over the Wii right now.



    @Tori – I have a Kinect and it’s AWESOME. Only if you have the right amount of room though, else you’ll have to get a weird zoomy converter thing, and I don’t know how good that is. Depends what sort of gaming experience you’re after really. The Wii has always been more ‘family fun and games’, whilst I can see the Kinect bringing out a few more ‘hardcore’ games at some point.


    @Tori: I’ve played both the Wii and Kinect, and I have to say the Wii is much better – at this stage, Kinect is too much of a gimmicky device. I admire the work some people are doing with it, modding it do all sorts of cool, useful, “technological” stuff, but for playing video games it’s pretty weak. Just having a look at all the games that are out for Kinect, the list is pretty dire, I have to say; worse than I thought XD If you’re used to gaming with a controller, it’s weird having nothing in your hands while playing anything on the Kinect. Plus, as robot said, you need a lot of room, though only a little more than you do for the Wii, I guess.

    The main questions to ask are “Are there even many games I want for the system?” and “Will I still use it once the novelty has worn off?”. Just from experience, I’d say Wii has the bigger catalogue and variety of games, and the fun lasts longer haha. When I played the Kinect, I thought “Well… this is kinda bizarre; kinda fun though ;)”, then after 15 minutes I thought “Is that it?”. Really, you have to try each console and see for yourself – you’re the one getting it so ultimately it’s down to you.

    Wow, I knew the Wii had a lot of “shovelware”, but the Kinect seems almost worse XD It has less games overall, but a higher % I’d say just look terrible.

    @Robb: Why wait for Wii U? It’ll take a while to get any decent games, and any flaws to be worked out (like the lack of Wii MotionPlus from the beginning). Also, the Wii will not be “outdated” for a LONG time – the PS2 was still going strong for a good while after the release of the PS3, because so many people had PS2s and not as many were buying PS3s. With the popularity of the Wii, it may even last longer than the PS2 did. I’m getting a Wii in the next few weeks and there are so many games I want to play, chiefly Skyward Sword, so I’m definitely not gonna wait a whole year for a console that could be garbage, while I could be having a blast in the mean time :P And if the Wii U DOES turn out to be the messiah of games consoles, there’s always next Christmas ;)
    When the Wii first came out, I kept on playing my GameCube and PC and PS2, and am only buying one a good 5 years later, so the Wii U can wait another 5 ;) Really, the main reason I’m buying this is for Zelda, and that’s why I’ve been waiting so long – as soon as the Wii U gets a Zelda game, I’m buying it B-)

    In short: it’s all up to you, so do some research before you decide… but you should go for the Wii ;D

    EDIT: Or alternatively, follow Larisa’s advice and get a SNES :3



    You can’t really compare the Wii/Wii U and PS2/PS3 because the PS3 (current models, actually almost all the models) are not backwards compatible with PS2 games. That’s one big reason why the PS2 is still going, and why we have one as well. The Wii U will be fully backwards compatible with all Wii games and accessories. If you have a HDTV, and most people have at least 720 these days, then playing the Wii’s 480 on a 1080 TV can be a bit reminiscent of the NES days. The Wii U, due to be released in March, will have 1080 video and six channel sound. When we had our Wii on the our big TV with the PS3 it looked awful. Now we have it hooked up to a 20.5 LED monitor (VGA output cables) and it looks alright.

    If the Wii U wasn’t backwards compatible then I wouldn’t have said to wait but since it is that’s why I said to wait and why the current Wii model will become outdated.



    True, the Kinect’s library of games is tiny at the moment, but I think it’s got a lot of potential in the future. I have high hopes! I’m already stupidly excited about Fable: The Journey, but that’s me being a Fable geek.
    Binary Domain, Ghost Recon, Star Wars… they all look pretty good. Child of Eden is already visually amazing. Pity I die on level one every time.
    Mass Effect 3 is going to be using the Kinect in a few cool ways… who knows, could be interesting?
    Kinect is still really new… I’m sure they have a lot more up their sleeves than various reincarnations of Kinectimals (I had a demo of that. Novelty wore off immediately after saying ‘awwwww look how fluffy that tiger is!!’)

    By the way, I did used to have a Wii… well, my ex did. I loved Zelda on it, apart from my arms getting knackered. Damn these consoles making me stand up and be ‘active’ lol.



    It’s not really fair to say that a Wii will look bad on a HDTV, because it’s quite TV dependant. Some handle SD content better than others, my current 42″ plasma makes my PS2 look pretty good, my old LCD, which was actually smaller looked a lot worse. The Wii will look a bit better, since most PS2 games don’t support 480P but I believe that’s standard on the Wii.

    When I had a Wii, I thought it looked pretty good via component cables at 480P. I only sit 5 feet away from my TV so if it didn’t look at least half-decent I’d have been pretty annoyed.

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 2 months ago by  Luke.


    …what on earth happened to this thread by the way? I feel this is all my fault for mentioning the 90′s.



    haha that’s okay, I have enough advice for fundraising! I think I’ll wait for the new model of the Wii though, I like controllers better…But I’m kind of biased, cause I’ve played my friend’s Wii a lot, and only the Kinect about once!


    Was it not *I* that mentioned the 90s? :P I can’t remember any more XD

    @Robb: I’m pretty sure the PS3 was *supposed* to be fully backwards compatible, just like the PS2. Look how that turned out… :P Only a handful of PS2 games work, and that’s only for the original 60GB model IIRC. And in the most recent incarnation of the Wii, they’ve removed GameCube compatibility entirely (how that’s an “upgrade*, I’m really not sure). Also, remember that 2012 is only an *expected* release date for the Wii U: knowing the video games industry, that year-long wait may easily turn into 1.5 or even 2 years if you’re unlucky. Plus, the Wii U’s controller gimmick just seems an awful idea XD But anyway, those are just my opinions.

    @Tori: So if you’re not going for a Wii or a Kinect, what ARE you getting for Christmas? :P

    @ooh_a_robot: I think the full potential of Kinect is not as a gaming device but as a technological tool. The Kinect technology is fascinating, but the video game applications as they stand just don’t seem to be heading anywhere worthwhile. I could be totally wrong though, and I hope I am :D



    That Wii U controller is a huge controller for sure. Why they added a camera that points up your nose is beyond me…

    I guess the latest press release says the Wii U is due after March, mid 2012. Still, it’s less then a year and seeing all the updates I would even expect Wii U games replace the Wii offerings in the same manner XBox 360 has replaced the original XBox. If it doesn’t make the summer release then it’ll probably be out for Christmas season.

    Trying to phase out older systems isn’t anything new or unexpected. I actually forgot that our Wii had those controller ports. I’ve never heard anyone playing a game that needed them. Not saying no one does but it’s not something I’m familiar with and if it’s something that isn’t used my the majority cutting it can only make sense. Besides, it’s the natural progression. Once accessories are limited to connecting with the controller rather then the unit then the unit can go through various revisions without affecting the accessories and controllers.

    Just a thought here Tori, and seeing that it’s a gift you may not want to consider it anyway, but you could always get the Wii and trade the Wii in for credit on a Wii U when they do come out. This way you can build your library and have fun playing it while you wait. Personally I would just wait but I may be bias seeing that I have a ton of other things to kill time with. I dunno, just a thought I had…


    @Robb: At the moment, the Wii U just seems like an HD Wii with a stupid-looking controller I’ll never want to use :P
    Yeah, I saw “after March” too, but all that means is that we definitely won’t see it before then – could be any amount of time after March, though most likely over the summer or at Christmas. Could release it during the summer, then, once some decent games come out for it, making a huge marketing push at Christmas time.
    Every time I play SSB: Brawl at my friends house, I take over my GameCube controller – SO much easier to play! :D I ordered my Wii last night, and while I could have gone with the “Family Version” one that came with free Mario Kart, I opted for the older one that comes with crappy Wii Sports/Resort just so I could plug my old controllers in :P The GameCube pads work with most Virtual Console games I think, and definitely with Brawl, which are two of the most important parts of owning a Wii for me XD
    I’ve no idea why they bothered releasing this new version: all that’s different is that it naturally sits on its side. How is that supposed to be a “Family Edition”?! Do families not like having their Wiis upright?! Must they be vertical?! Do no families own GameCubes?! How many more times must I use an interpunct?! It has the same dimensions and same functionality (besides the missing GC compatibility), and it costs the same, so I don’t see the point :P
    And yes, that idea sounds good, mostly because it was my idea in the first place… pretty much :P I didn’t specifically say “trade in the Wii”, but the feeling was there ;)



    @MisterM2402 I’m asking for .hack//quarantine, for one lol

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