Home Forums Off Topic Totally OT : Any fugu-ers want a fitocracy invite?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  insanimal 13 years, 2 months ago.

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    This is totally off topic but would anyone like a fitocracy invite? I still have 7 left – just click here

    It’s a site which kind of turns getting fit into a game-like experience where you get points for exercising, and level up and get achievements and whatnot, It seems pretty cool :) it’s invite-only and beta at the moment, but seems pretty well developed.

    I already mentioned it on the twitter feed but only one person (hi jwskate!) took it up. You can set up groups on there so if we get a few more people it might be cool to set up a textfugu group. Also tags, both jwskate and I are tagged textfugu already, if you sign up with one of my invites be sure to add the tag or let me know you came via textfugu!



    I’ve gone ahead and created a textfugu group. It’s called… wait for it… “textfugu”.

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