Home Forums Tips, Hacks, & Ideas For Learning Japanese Train your listening ears. All the Japanese radio stations you could want.

This topic contains 8 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  マーク・ウェーバー 11 years, 8 months ago.

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    Dylan Heble


    I have always wanted to listen to Japanese radio stations, but going through the NHK website and other Japanese sites to listen to they’re stations was a pain half of the time.

    Tunein isn’t new, I know that.. but I never tried to find Japanese stations on it.
    It’s sooooo nice to have such a large amount of stations to choose from.. all on one website.
    Raw local Japanese radio.

    Now go train your listening skills!

    Oh, also, they have an App for Android phones that works great.
    They might have one for Apple Products too, but I don’t know.



    They have an iphone app too. Thanks (too bad my network coverage is almost zero at work, need to switch).


    Once you up your listening comprehension you will start to hate to listen to most of these since they are just boring as hell. Most shows that are worth listening to are recorded on youtube etc and are easy to come by.

    I listen to NMBのTEPPENラジオ which is aired 4 times a weeks with 15-25min long episodes. I don’t listen to it in order to get better at Japanese, I listen to it because it is hilarious.


    Dylan Heble

    I will check that out マーク, thanks. :)



    I tried watching the Japanese news on TV here once, but fell asleep in the middle.

    Of course, it didn’t really help that it was April 2011 at the time, so pretty much every news article was full of technical terms relating to nuclear power generation…



    Unlike Mark here, I listen to AKBの今夜は帰らない because the hosts are ballin


    I would die if I had to listen to Miorin for more than 10 minutes. ..



    That’s a very specific amount of time. Have you tested it?


    Yes I have, I am writing  from beyond the realm of the living.

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