Home Forums The Japanese Language Transitive/Intrasitive

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Aikibujin 11 years ago.

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    This is something that has been bugging me for a while. On my language module, I was taught that transitive verbs were the ones that made a bridge to the object – ie: I read a book, and intransitive the ones that didn’t make a bridge like ‘I crouched’.

    But on Anki verb decks, when asked ‘is this transitive/intransitive’ when I try to apply this to my answers, it keeps turning out backwards.

    Is there some difference between the japanese and english definitions of transitive and intransitive verbs, or am I doing something wrong?



    Can you give us a specific example?



    I would agree that examples would help.

    That said, this may help in any case:


    It gives examples in both English and Japanese.

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