Home Forums Tips, Hacks, & Ideas For Learning Japanese Trying New Japanese Music

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    Does anyone know of a good method of trying different Japanese music. I listen to a lot in my car, but most of it is from the opening and closing animations from anime. I’d like to branch out, but am unsure where to start. I tried listening to podcasts, but that quickly gets boring when you don’t understand what they saying. At least with music, you can enjoy the melody or visualize the animation.



    Youtube is probably your best bet initially. As they have recommendations on the side bar for similar stuff if you find something you like.

    What type of music are you in to?


    That’s just it, I want to try new things. I don’t really have a favorite type or artist. But I will try YouTube. Thanks.



    I don’t know if you’re specifically looking for anime music (I don’t like anime so I don’t know, but I assume it would be easy to find anime music), but my two favourite Japanese bands are ‘Tokyo Shoegazer’ and ‘toe’. Tokyo Shoegazer is a shoegaze band (obviously) so it can be quite hard to understand the lyrics at time. Toe is a post-rock band so mostly instrumental, though they do have quite a few songs featuring singers

    If you want to find some Japanese artists I can’t think of a better place to start than finding a Japanese record label. Look up or Google the names of some of these record labels and you should easily find a few Japanese bands. If you’re looking for J-Pop or shitty Japanese Glam-Punk bands check the plain record label pages. For something a bit more interesting and since you said you want to try more things, check out the independent labels page.

    If that doesn’t work I find music by looking on these sites;

    Wanna see photos from my trip to Japan: instagram.com/zachradge


    This will only help find what’s both new and widely popular, but a few times I’ve done something like use the Oricon top singles list as a basis for what to check out. I’ve also seen torrents that will compile an entire such list into a download, though obviously that’s a liiiiittle less legal.


    You can just go on Pandora, I found out about L’arc en Ciel by loving Great Teacher Onizuka (anime) and so I made a L’arc en Ciel station on Pandora and found Gackt and Mucc through there. Another good site is shoutcast.com where you can listen to tons of free live radio, just search “Japanese” and a ton of stations pop up, I’m currently listening to a 70′s-90′s Japanese pop station.



    As Zach said, Last.fm is a decent place to go. You can search for tags, such as ‘japanese‘.
    There are some good playlists on 8tracks.
    There are also blogs out there for Japanese music, such as Sparkplugged.

    And if you want to get weird, look up Vocaloids.

    Despite all these sources, i still find it difficult to find music that suits my tastes. You may have more success, though.


    I just want to say thank you for all the great advice. I’m going to look into these options this weekend when I have some free time.





    Tokyo Jihen



    “Mass of Fermenting Dregs” – Who the hell comes up with names like these? To be honest, I was actually expecting them to be death metal; the name would fit well alongside the likes of “Cradle of Filth”, “Autopsy Torment”, “Gutworm”, and “Cattle Decapitation” :P

    OT: As Zach suggested, last.fm is perfect for what you’re wanting. Just go to http://www.last.fm/listen/globaltags/japanese and it’ll play a random selection of Japanese music. I haven’t been there in a while so I just noticed they use a video player now instead of just a simple audio player like before; not sure whether that means they have a reduced selection now, but I’m sure it’s still good.

    Also, there should be a thread on this forum called “What I’m listening to now” that has a ton of music suggestions in it. Though good luck finding it, as nobody’s posted to it in a while, I think, and the search feature here doesn’t work properly.
    …through the magic of Google, here you go: http://www.textfugu.com/bb/topic/what-are-you-listening-to-now/

    On the old version of this forum, there was another thread with the same title, and in that thread I found the very first (and practically only) Japanese group I ever fell in love with: Perfume. In the 3 or so years I’ve been learning Japanese, I’ve only ever regularly listened to Perfume (and MEG, who’s produced by the same guy). Here are the first two songs I heard that got me hooked:


    You can try searching うた or similar japanese on youtube, 8tracks and others.

    - トビアス



    I got hooked on Japanese punk/rock back in the 1980′s, so I can make some general suggestions:
    1) The Blue Hearts – cannot go wrong with the seminal Japanese punk band
    2) Mongol 800 – sort of powerpunk, but you can really make out the lyrics, and pretty much everyone has heard their hit “Chiisana Koi No Uta.”
    3) Toyko Ska Paradise Orchestra – grandaddies of Japanese Ska, going strong since the 1980′s
    4) 10-Feet – more power punk
    5) The Street Beats – a more traditional punk/rock sound
    6) Unicorn – the legendary Tamio Okuda!
    7) Sambomaster – more of a pop rock sound
    8) Dragon Ash – Japanese Nu Metal
    9) Thee Michelle Gun Elephant – Garage rock
    10) PUFFY – I have always had a soft spot for PUFFY(Ami Yumi)

    You can find most of these on You Tube, and with a downloader/converter program (found free pretty over at place like CNET) you can burn your own CDs Hope that helps some!

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