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This topic contains 29 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  MisterM2402 [Michael] 13 years, 1 month ago.

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    The second half doesn’t sound like me at all :/



    And then she said “Stop hitting me!”

    I just lol’d

    wait… what?



    Well I’m interested in seeing what you can do.

    Here’s a skype I use for conversation practice with others.


    Anybody can add me so we can practice Japanese.


    • This reply was modified 13 years, 1 month ago by  Anden.

    Bbvoncrumb on top form, as ever ;)



    Anyways, need people to tutor



    I charge 10$/h to be a student if you are interested



    I don’t understand the need for the snide comments. Missing is offering to help you for free to gain practice in tutoring and teaching. If he sucks at it, at worst you lose an hour or two of your time. Even then though, if you are helping him become a better teacher you are helping all of his potential future students. He’s offering the language-learning equivalent of free haircuts from stylists in training. His Japanese may not be perfect but he has demonstrated a level above that of most of the users of this site (this is speculation, but reasonable, I think), as this is a site for beginners in the language. He has also made contributions to the forum that show a general willingness and interest in helping others learn.



    I have my reasons. Your arguments have been noted. My offer is still standing.


    You don’t understand the need for snide comments? This is missingno15 we’re talking about here, one of the forum’s snidest members, I believe. If it was anyone else, everyone would just be like “Hmmm… not for me though, sorry; good idea though” :P Also, it’s like the blind being lead by the visually-impaired; I’d rather have a guide dog and/or a human with standard vision to help me around haha

    OT: I’ll beat Reiden’s rate and offer $20/hour for the opportunity to teach me.



    The blind leading the blind is a bad analogy. Blind people can’t be taught or coached to see better either by visually impaired people or by those with standard (or even superior) vision. It’s getting advice and assistance from someone who has had success. Certainly there are people who have had more success, and if they are offering the same service for the same price (none), more power to them.



    What? O_o Is he really that bad in Japanese? I don’t believe it. Aren’t we all just students helping other students here? Give the guy some break.



    Play nice.



    what Bvoncrumb said. its just…so true



    Come at me Hashi


    @thisiskyle: I meant the *visually-impaired* leading the blind, people who aren’t blind but still have bad vision. Us plebs are the blind while missingno15 is the half-blind. It’s not meant to be an exact analogy, but it’s close enough. You don’t want to be lead along your Japanese-learning path by someone who isn’t an expert in the area. I’m not saying missing is bad at Japanese – he outstrips everyone on the forum, no doubt – he’s just not the man for the job. I have every confidence he could teach the *basics*, but Textfugu is already there for that. And it’s not like you get any serious speaking/listening practice, just because he’s not fluent yet. It’s a nice idea, yeah, but I don’t think it’ll work too well, at least at the beginning (since he hasn’t done anything like it before and will need to get into the swing of it/improve his own Japanese first).

    @Hashi: Ah! Put the scary red font awaaaay!!

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