Home Forums The Japanese Language Typing in Japanese

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Vincent 12 years, 11 months ago.

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    I was just typing up vocab for vocab words(because me writing it would be a disaster) and noticed that a good handful of words, when typed, show up as -theactualkanji-hiraganatofollow. Like if I wanted to type 収 I would type out : おさめる but end up with : 収める so I would have to erase める. My question is…WHY?



    In the verb おさめる, the kanji 収 represents only the おさ part of the word. The める part is called おくりがな – it forms the verb/adjective endings (which shows tense and the like), and also helps to indicate which of the kanji’s readings (usually the kun readings) is being invoked (for example: 出る = でる while 出す = だす).

    If you just want to write a kanji on its own without the okurigana popping up, generally you’ll use the on reading (which in this case is しゅう), though this is a little trickier, since on readings tend to be shared between several characters – it’s simpler just to write the kun reading and delete the okurigana. In real usage, you’d type whole words, rather than kanji-by-kanji – that is, when you want to write (say) 収入, you’ll just write しゅうにゅう, not おさめる-delete-delete-はいる-delete.

    Just idly, what exactly are you trying to do?



    omy…that was a very indepth explanation. Still kinda confused but I’ll try to get it over time.

    And I’m trying to type the Kanji Vocab and make flashcards because I am officially boycotting Anki because it sucks and my writing isn’t very good, especially if I had to write the characters big on a flash card.

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