Home Forums TextFugu Ultimate Decks with Kanji+Furigana?

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    Dear all,

    I’m at Season 5 and Level 10 in Wanikani, meaning that I have learned a few of the vocabs in the ultimate decks with the right kanji through Wanikani. In Anki they are – as imported – showing with the kana reading.

    I don’t really know how I feel about “learning” words I already know again with the kana, and not sure what to do.

    You experienced learners, what did you do? Did you edit each vocab within Anki into its own kanji version (if you knew it) or did you studied them with kana as a complementary study mode?

    Knowing your opinions would be very appreciated – thanks!



    The ultimate decks contain notes with several card types; some of these cards use kanji and and some don’t. what you can do if you don’t want to use the non-kanji cards is to open the card browser and search for the card types that don’t use kanji and suspend those cards.
    To search for a certain card type type “card:<cardtype>” in the search field, where <cardtype> is a card type. For example: card:Kanaます will return all results of the Kanaます card type.
    The card types that don’t use kanji (at least in the deck I have) are Kanaます, KanaDictionary, and TransitiveOrIntransitive.

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