Home Forums TextFugu ultimate vocab #3

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Yagato 8 years, 6 months ago.

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    I jump from ultimate vocab #2 to #4. Where’s the number 3?



    I gotta admit, I never really paid much attention to the Anki decks, so I couldn’t really answer your question. Maybe they got renumbered somewhere along the way. Maybe Koichi is King Arthur (“One, two… five”).

    Maybe try the decks on the downloads page and see if they work for you: http://www.textfugu.com/dl/


    Hi Joel,

    Thank you for your help. I don’t think it’s a problem of renumbering. I found on page 3 of this forum people with the same problem (october 27, 2015). This Mario Molina gave also a hint that says:

    The next button on the chapter skips the link to the ultimate vocab three. Try clicking on the last page from the hub directly.

    But I don’t understand what he means (my English is probably not that good). Anyway I followed your answer and downloaded the ultimate verb list. I think that no 3 had verbs, maybe not so many, in it and they are so important!




    Hah, I tried using Google to search for the thread you mentioned, and after I’d just typed “ultimate vocab” into the search box, “textfugu ultimate vocab 3″ came up as the first suggested completion. Guess people have been searching for it a lot. =P

    Basically what Mario meant was that you should go back to the main lessons index (http://www.textfugu.com/lessons/) and click the link to the next page directly (this one: http://www.textfugu.com/season-5/dict-verbs/3-8/). The problem is that the “next page” link on lesson 3-7 sends you to 4-1 instead of 3-8 (which is where the ultimate vocab deck is).

    I’d completely forgotten about that issue – my bad.


    I succeed doing it Mario’s way!! Thanks, don’t bother you anymore (I hope)



    It’s not a bother at all. Ask all the questions you like. =)



    This was very useful, thank you so much.
    I just figured out now why the exercise on Ta-form was so hard. A lot of vocab was in this number three!I am so happy right now!

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