Home Forums TextFugu "Ultimate Vocab Lists" And lesson discrepancies…

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    Alright, I’ve been trying to find a clear conclusion to this but everything I’ve read seems to just skim over it.

    I noticed here it mentions…

    “ that will use verbs from your Season 3 verbs lists as well as Group 1 from the Ultimate Verbs List”

    Up until this point working through TextFugu, I haven’t heard of the “Ultimate Vocab List”, I skim on assuming it’s just an error. However on that particular page, it making reference to words I’ve never seen before “しつもん” for example. I brush this off thinking “Ole’ Koichi wants us to be independent and use Jisho or something”.

    However I recently ended up here…

    What stood out was…

    “Also before moving on, make sure you’re studying the two new Groups (Verbs Group03 and Nouns Group02), as you’ll need some of them for the next chapter”

    At this point I’m asking myself “I’ve never heard of those, lol wut?” I look around for them to no avail. I also notice that subsequent lessons involve a heavy amount of vocab I’ve never encountered.

    After some forum searching I discover they are apart of the “Ultimate Vocab List“. After downloading these I notice that packaged with the verbs and the adjectives, is a handy .pdf detailing the contents of the lists, including group numbers.

    My first question is, are these group numbers (Group 1, Group 2 on the far left) what Koichi is referring to?

    Secondly, as I’m being told to study ‘Group 02 and Group 03″ should I start the groups before it as well (Group 01 etc…)? Or do the small incremental Anki decks he’s provided (Covering Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives) since season 1 cover those groups?

    On a side note, are these discrepancies simply strings that have been cut during a re-working of lessons or the site?





    Aye, remnants from an older version. Koichi’s got a bit of a habit of changing or removing some files or centralised lesson pages, then only fixing half of the pages that refer to it…

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