Home Forums The Japanese Language Unknown Words

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Konrad Trojanowski 8 years, 6 months ago.

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    きけんな リビア に いきませんでした
    What does リビア mean?

    I rode the convenient subway
    What is the verb for to ride in Japanese?


    Never mind It was on the answer sheet.. :-)



    Never mind… about both questions?


    Yup it was confusing because Koichi never thought me the verb of to ride and it wasn’t on the verb vocab..


    On a side note I’ve been wanting to ask how long you’ve been studying Japanese and do you think you could have a Japanese conversation with the speakers in Japan? What are recommended steps after TextFugu as I’ve been hearing it that after chapter 8 you still aren’t really fluent in the language. (Im probably rushing as Im midway thru season4 but just wanting to know). Im guessing children’s books, newspapers and such?



    I started studying in 2011, but I haven’t really been putting much effort into it since the end of 2013. Probably should work on that a bit. I could theoretically have a conversation, but my listening ability sucks, sooo…

    Koichi’s busy working on a more advanced site that will follow on from TextFugu, but there’s no precise date on when it’ll be ready. You can turn to other text books, though, like Tobira or Japanese for Busy People. Newspapers and such also works.


    Thanks Joel you seem like you know your stuff nevertheless thanks for helping me and the forum out! Looks like Im helping you review the basics haha

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