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This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Hadding 10 years, 2 months ago.

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    So I’ve gathered from the forum that to unsubscribe you do so through Paypal (not this website). I’ve never seen that, but okay.

    Question: Do we get pro-rated if we unsubscribe in the middle of the month? Would I get half the subscription price returned to my Paypal account?

    If not I guess I can wait til the end of the month and maybe practice some more, but I really hope I don’t forget and get charged for yet another month.



    Your best bet would be to e-mail Koichi directly and ask him:


    But… don’t goooo… =’(



    I knooooow. Life is too hectic right now. Wish I could stay but I haven’t been utilizing the site as I should. When will I finally learn Japanese? It feels like forever since I started, but I am not consistent with so many other new priorities in life. I’m still on WaniKani but I am also way behind there as well with my reviews piling up. Oh my. I’m probably in that “dip” that Koichi talks about and I just never got out. :-(
    Thanks for the response, though.



    Sorry for resurrecting this topic. Yeah. I went through that a couple of months ago – with work and whatnot I wasn’t able to study for 2 months straight so I just kinda did wanikani and let this lapse for 2 months. I was also on lang-8 (I jumped in waaaayyyy too early) and felt overwhelmed.

    Let me preface this part by saying that I’m not trying to sell you on this site. However, if you feel like you will come back to this you may want to pick up the lifetime membership right now as it’s on sale ($59). I started on the subscription about a year ago and switched to lifetime – when I emailed Koichi he switched me over and applied the fees I had previously paid.

    I must say that I noticed my sense of japanese-learning urgency has decreased with the lifetime purchase. But that could also be because my job decided to keep me in America shipping me to Japan.

    If you want free stuff – regarding grammar you can check out Tae Kim’s site which also has an app for android. You can also check out your local library to see what they have there. Mine has a surprising amount of books. That way you can keep your current japanese level at least (if the interest is still there).



    dah, meant to write:
    *in America instead of shipping me to Japan.

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