Home Forums TextFugu Update to the Downloads Page Needed

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  luluhouse7 12 years, 1 month ago.

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    I often neglect printing the worksheets and verb/adjective/general vocab lists in specific sections, and then later find myself wanting to reference one, or finally download one from a prior chapter/season. However, this is a very cumbersome task, as I must go to the lesson page, remember which chapter said topic was covered on, and then track down which number “page” the actual download link is on. Sometimes it’s pretty easy, other times not.

    Are there any plans to include these on the downloads page? Even if all were to be bundled into a single “workbook” type PDF, or a single zip. Seems the downloads page is a little neglected.

    P.S. WaniKani forums do not function on my iPad. I tap in a text field to type, and see the blinking cursor, but typing produces no text. I’m mentioning it here– because I can’t on WaniKani.



    Agreed :)

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