Home Forums Tips, Hacks, & Ideas For Learning Japanese Using games to study

This topic contains 23 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  Marco Nioi 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #38513

    *sigh*… emulation never has been, and never will be, legal if you own the cartridge. It is illegal, no matter what loops you try to jump through.


    Marco Nioi

    ah,lol I was fooled from someone who said that to me :P

    Well…I guss it doesn’t make any difference :)


    It’s cool, homes. Just don’t want you to get in trouble. ;)


    Ishizue Muto

    Anyone have any idea how many seasons of TextFugu you have to get through to be able to play a game like Pokemon?

    Thinking of getting into that and probably Legend of Zelda 3DS as well.  On the last lesson of Season 3 and really looking forward to being able to actually use some of the Japanese that I have learned.


    @Ishizue Muto


    I’m currently about halfway into season 4, and I imported どうぶつの森 and ポケモングリーン. While I can pick up a lot of key phrases, it’s incredibly useful to use these two as they both primarily use hiragana as opposed to heavy kanji. I know Zelda uses kanji whenever it can because it’s intended for teens/adults, and I’m not entirely sure about okurigana. But I would stick to JPN Animal Crossing/Pokemon. Again, I’m 100% caught up with everything I need to know at this point in Season 4, and I’m still constantly looking up vocab on Genki Jishou. A lot of NPC’s will use slang dialect depending on their age/social class/gender, so don’t be surprised if you don’t recognize a word or the structure of a sentence at first glance!


    Just one quick thing to consider: the 3DS is not region-free; therefor, you need a JPN 3DS to play Zelda 3DS/any JPN 3DS game. However, the original DS is not region-locked, so you’re safe with Diamond/Pearl, JPN AC: Wild World, Spirit Tracks/Phantom Hourglass, etc.



    Thank you for the reply Evan!

    Just finished Season 3 and doing Lv 2 Kanji in WaniKani.

    I do have a imported 3DS and imported Pokemon HeartGold.  Just noticing that there are a lot of vocab that I don’t know so I have to play infront of the computer with jisho.org open so I can translate some words.

    Was just curious as to when I could expect to stop having to rely so heavily on the jisho and truly enjoy the game.

    Have to say that I love it when I learn new particles and verbs in TextFugu, and being able to use it right away in the game!


    Marco Nioi

    My Nintento 3ds LL is arrived 2 days ago from Japan,together with Fire Emblem Awakening & Monster Hunter 3G.
    I actually know all the Vocab from JLPT5 & half from the JLPT4, also all the Kanjis from JLPT5 & 4 and I’m at the middle of the Season 5 here on Textfugu…& I can tell you that this is totally not enough to play those games ç_ç
    I started with monster hunter & I can pick some word here & there,but totally not enough to keep up with the dialogues of the game,first because the game have only kanji (no hiragana mode or furigana) & also because the pixels of the screen make really hard to identify most of the kanji,so the only way is to know them already…
    I didn’t even bother to try Fire Emblem,because that game have an awesome story & character development,so playing it now would simply ruin me the experience I can have when I become more proficient with this language.
    So,basically I’m stucked with 2 awesome & impenetrable games,any suggestion on how to proceed? :(
    Based on my level & knowledges,what DS/3DS game should I purchase to make some considerable progress toward the learning by playing? :P



    Based on my level & knowledges,what DS/3DS game should I purchase to make some considerable progress toward the learning by playing? :P

    This game

    or this game

    and this


    Marco Nioi

    Interesting,I didn’t know those games,I’ll definitely keep an eye on those,by the way,the third one where you say “and this” is just an image of a girl xD

    Now I am really looking into this other one,do you guys know it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIMielXCsDg :)

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