Firstly, I’m a terrible vegetarian. In fact, I’m a pescatarian as of two years ago. (veggie since I was 12)
I became interested in Japan through the food, and I found it increasingly difficult to avoid fish, so I threw my morals into the wind and started eating it.
I haven’t yet brought myself to eating other seafood, I had a tempura battered prawn in my hand once and managed a delicious tasting nibble before I felt too guilty and put it down. (no such guilt with teriyaki salmon though, hohoho) I genuinely want to try all the delicious seafood containing recipes though, so I’d better man up.
I’m just curious as to other peoples experiences of being vegetarian/vegan/pescatarian in Japan.
Is it easy to avoid the products you don’t eat?
Western influence has increased the amount of meat in Japanese cuisine, is this incredibly obvious?
How do Japanese people react to these eating habits?