Home Forums TextFugu Verbs Verbs Verbs!

This topic contains 16 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  koma 12 years, 6 months ago.

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    Well said Aikibujin!
    I’m  lousy at straight up  memorizing for the most part so I need a hook to start with. Fortunately with sentence practice the Mnemonic goes away and I no longer need it, depend on it or think of it at some point.
    A past student of mine who is a nuclear engineer and spends a lot of time in Japan recently came home for a visit. He speaks Japanese to some degree and using simple stuff I was able to understand him mostly but forming a coherent reply did take a lot of brain power to dredge up some of the words and put them together.

    I have a long way to go! ^_^;



    I wouldn’t bother learning a mnemonic just to remember a conjuctive (masu) form of a verb. That still wouldn’t help me recall the dictionary form, te form, volitional form, conditional form, and so on.

    If anything, I memorize the dictionary form. Easy to convert a verb from dictionary form to pretty much anything, provided you know the bases and whether it’s a class 1, 2, or irregular verb.

    I haven’t worried about it to be honest. I just use verbs and through repetition they gradually stick.

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