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    What videgames are you playing? any to suggest for a beginner? Ill either get a Japanese 3ds or psp.



    It could help if you mentioned what types of games you like in general. I play 幻想水滸伝1&2 on PSP though. I don’t think it is too difficult to follow the story, yet if you’re a completionist and you’re not familiar with the game, I’d recommend looking at a 攻略 as there is lots of missable stuff/characters.



    I really all types of games. Since i am a beginner. I would like stay with hiragana and move up.





    yes. where can I translate what you said? I used google, and got a some what run down of what you said Mark.

    I was looking at buying either Pokemon black or white and Ninokuni: Shikkoku no Madoushi.



    Mark, the OP is only a beginner, how is speaking in Japanese going to help anybody? I couldn’t quite understand it either – I got the basic idea of it, just not the specifics. Something like “Basically, (something about simple kanji) yet you still want to play a Japanese game?”, yeah?

    mayuri, I’m not sure how useful a Japanese game is going to be if you won’t be able to understand *any* of it. Hell, I’m approaching a more intermediate level and *I* wouldn’t want to play a Japanese game – it just wouldn’t be fun if I couldn’t understand everything (or mostly everything). I *did* put Japanese audio and subtitles on Sonic Adventure 2: Battle, but I’d already played the game a million and one times before, so that was different.



    I was looking at Pokemon to learn hiragana, and move up. Apart of the whole immersion aspect.



    “So basically you can’t even read simple Kanji but want to play games in Japanese?”

    Nicer tone, but.


    I just wrote it to solidify the point I was going to make now

    If you can’t understand Japanese very well, there is no point in playing a game in Japanese. you will end up having to use google translate, and in that case I would say playing a game is so boring, that it would be more fun for you to just study Japanese. It is not so much that only knowing hiragana will stop you from enjoying a game, it is the lack of vocab and grammar that will end up ruining your experience.



    If you really don’t need to know any of the text of what is going on in a game and are doing it solely to see hiragana so you can sorta practice while you’re playing, I’d recommend playing a rom for an older zelda game or something. Honestly I can play kanji laden games just fine and understand them well enough, but I’d really struggle through hiragana only games. Last time I tried one, admittedly quite awhile ago, I only lasted 15 minutes before becoming frustrated and just quitting.



    I didn’t know English when I was younger. Mario 64 was still all kinds of fun. I even learnt a few words! It’s not a great way to learn but you can still have fun and get a little bit of language out of it.
    I suggest you play super simple shit like Super Mario or Yoshi Story.



    I bought a Japanese 3DS with Fire Emblem. Because I like Fire Emblem. But yeah just get whatever games you’d normally be interested in.


    I’d rather just enjoy the game fully in English and learn the kana separately haha. Part of the reason I like playing video games is being immersed in it; I can’t really be immersed if I don’t know what’s going on 100%. That’s just me though, you obviously aren’t bothered by that.

    Playing Pokémon would be a chore, because if you didn’t know what all the moves were called, you’d have to go through trial and error each time to figure out what it does, what type it is and any other effects it might have. I’d say go for something easier.



    Don’t listen to these guys. Just play on, play on



    Pokemon games are painful because they lack kanji. However since in black/white 2 there is now the option to add kanji, everythings all good :D Even though I hate 5th generation pokemon… it’s still fun.

    And Mister, all you have to do is read the move’s description.

    Buut if you can’t read what mark wrote, then… I would practice a bit more, looking up the meaning of every single word is… a crappy gaming experience.

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