Home Forums TextFugu Vocabulary learning

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Joel 8 years ago.

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    Ben Jackson

    In particular adjectives and verbs- any hints or ways that you learn the vocab. I find it reasonably easy on WK but it seems to take ages for the vocab to go in when learning it from here. :/ Maybe I just need to drill it more…



    Remember that words in Japanese refer to real things that you encounter every day. Instead of linking them in your mind to the English word, link them directly to what they represent – eliminate the middleman.

    What I mean is, rather than going “Oh, 走る means ‘run’ in English, and I know what ‘run’ means”, instead maybe try to think of the actual act of running as you’re learning 走る. Or even perform the act of running.

    You can also try the stick-post-it-notes-on-everything trick. =)

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