This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Ivan Escalante 11 years, 5 months ago.

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    I’m so terrible. >.< I started learning Japanese on here last summer but stopped when I went back to university and haven’t started back up since. I’m but a few weeks from going back now after this summer of **free time that I haven’t used** and have a few busy weeks coming up, BUT I’M GOING TO GO FOR IT ANYWAY DAMMIT.

    So starting tomorrow (would start today but I’m away from home and it’s late) I’m going to get out my old notes and start from scratch again. I also didn’t really post here in the forums at all, I guess out of shyness. I hope to change that too and get to know you guys. Encouragement and learning alongside others is always wonderful and I gather there’s a lot of that on here.

    Anyway… Hi. :3 I’m Ben. ^^


    Gustav Dahl

    Hi there!

    I found that buying a fancy notebook (Moleskine) for all my Japanese notes helped motivate me, since I can gradually see that I am making progress. Like you, I have been spending much of my Summer holiday on TextFugu (and WaniKani) :)


    “I’m but a few weeks from going back now after this summer of **free time that I haven’t used**”
    Ugh, tell me about it… About 4 months off and nothing constructive to show for it :P


    But don’t worry man, as long as you put your effort on learning this language then you will get your results so don’t give up on it (think about why you are trying to learn it and what made you start, that should motivate you a bit :D)

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