Home Forums TextFugu We have a textfugu TEAMSPEAK server btw

This topic contains 124 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  kairu-kun1127 8 years, 9 months ago.

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    ↑That is where you can download it



    Hey – just downloaded and setup the teamspeak – looks a bit empty at the moment.

    I’m in Australia – when’s the best time to drop in?



    Downloaded and installed it too. Look forward to chatting with fellow TF members on there.



    We have people from USA, Sweden, Belgium, Aus, NZ and Japan. There is no good time but the main guys are on around 6-10 NZ time (GST +12). You do the conversions.



    Hello I am new to Text fugu forum’s and to teamspeak as well…Anyways I’m from NY….Hope to meet everyone soon! ^.^



    A little preface before you come in:

    The Teamspeak listed here in relatively dead and we don’t really talk much about Japanese. There’s a few people that still study Japanese but just like you’ve probably done in the past, a ton of people have quit learning but still come in to socialize occasionally. The server is regularly empty and most of our regulars are long gone. When people are actually on, conversation revolves around games, current events and other media.

    “NARUTO and BLEACH! ZOMG!” — You won’t find a whole lot of acceptance here. Sorry.

    “Oh Em Gee. Nihongo is so totally suteki. I wanna benkyou all day!” — Just…stop. Now. GTFO out the TS.

    “Hey guys. 金利の低下を背景に、新たな資金運用の手段として個人が購入できる社債の人気が高まり、先月までの半年間の発行額が同じ時期としては過去2番目に高い水準になりました。” — What part of beginner Japanese don’t you understand? I don’t care about the popularity of Bonds in the Japanese market. Go try Lang-8. You’d get more out of it.

    If you come in you need to talk. Don’t expect everyone to talk at you to encourage you to talk. What’s the point of coming in if you’re just gonna sit silently? SAY HI. CONVERSE.

    Oh and by the way: It’s REALLY annoying when people come in and pick everyone’s brain to find the best Japanese resources and never come back. If you’re not going to be courteous and at least show your face again after I spend an hour chatting with you about all of the resources that I’ve found over my two years of study then don’t bother to come in at all.

    Sorry if this seems harsh…but this seriously encompasses most of the new people that have come into teamspeak over the last year. There’s a few really cool people for sure…but yeah.

    So… If you think you have some social skills and aren’t afraid to talk about something other than the latest convention you went to or your favorite anime…come on in. I look forward to seeing you.

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 8 months ago by  tubatime1010.
    • This reply was modified 12 years, 8 months ago by  tubatime1010.


    Y u mad tho bro



    Glad to know you are still alive



    I haven’t been on in a while either. I never see this thread updated so I tend to think it is dead anyways.
    I may try hopping on again in the near future, but it’s tough with my timezone to bump into others too.



    I haven’t been on in a while either. I never see this thread updated so I tend to think it is dead anyways.

    Its usually the same 2-3 people that are on with surprising guest appearances from other people ever so often o.o but yes “its alive” .



    <3 Tuba.



    Sorry Carlos…but I don’t know that I’ve ever seen you come in.

    Are you someone else on the TS?



    Sorry Carlos…but I don’t know that I’ve ever seen you come in.

    Are you someone else on the TS?

    I’m Zolrak =P



    “Oh and by the way: It’s REALLY annoying when people come in and pick everyone’s brain to find the best Japanese resources and never come back. If you’re not going to be courteous and at least show your face again after I spend an hour chatting with you about all of the resources that I’ve found over my two years of study then don’t bother to come in at all.”


    • This reply was modified 12 years, 6 months ago by  Altaira.





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