Home Forums TextFugu We have a textfugu TEAMSPEAK server btw

This topic contains 124 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  kairu-kun1127 8 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #40513

    Dylan Heble

    There was 5 people on at the same time today.


    Hope Martin

    Sounds like maybe this is still going? Hoping to incorporate it into our lessons.  3 of us trying to learn jnse in our house. I saw the login info on the first post in this thread but I am missing where I go to put that in. Ahhh! I think I found the TEamSpeak client download and am doing that now.

    Next question… is there a preferred age range? I’m a homeschooling mom of a 15yo and a 9yo. The older one has been studying jnse for years but really, really needs to practice speaking. The 9yo and I will be learning this year.



    • This reply was modified 11 years, 7 months ago by  Hope Martin. Reason: found teamspeak download but had another question


    I’d highly recommend staying away from teamspeak then.

    It’s not Japanese related at all anymore. Most of the people in it don’t study anymore.

    It’s just a group of 4-5 guys chatting, usually playing games.

    It’s impossible to edit posts on this forsaken forum/textbook (Koichi doesn’t even come here anymore!) so Missing cannot remove his post.

    So…like I said almost a year ago at this point. This IS NOT TextFugu teamspeak anymore. You WILL NOT learn ANYTHING about Japanese if you come in. You WILL most likely be insulted by someone name Bbvoncrumb. That is all.


    where do i go to even type that stuff in? the address, the port and password i mean.



    Man you guys are so cool. I’ll definitely be joining in on that.

    "It's such a kawaii morning!"


    Let me repeat for you what tubatime1010 said.

    I’d highly recommend staying away from teamspeak then.
    It’s not Japanese related at all anymore. Most of the people in it don’t study anymore.

    It’s just a group of 4-5 guys chatting, usually playing games.

    It’s impossible to edit posts on this forsaken forum/textbook (Koichi doesn’t even come here anymore!) so Missing cannot remove his post.

    So…like I said almost a year ago at this point. This IS NOT TextFugu teamspeak anymore. You WILL NOT learn ANYTHING about Japanese if you come in. You WILL most likely be insulted by someone name Bbvoncrumb. That is all.



    That’s a shame..

    But I don’t see a reason why the server could not be replaced. Setting up TeamSpeak or Mumble server is cheap and easy.

    Is there anyone who could host the server? Or did you give up on this completely?



    +1 to マイケルさん

    I’m sure after that New Year’s sale there will be a lot more people willing to use the TeamSpeak server for its intended purpose.


    Tom Maoz

    +1 to マイケルさん

    I’m sure after that New Year’s sale there will be a lot more people willing to use the TeamSpeak server for its intended purpose.

    seems as though you were wrong.


    It seems pretty empty in there… It’s only me in there o.o



    Out of curiosity, does anyone still use the Teamspeak? I know it’s late here so nobody is on but just wondering if it’s active at all.



    Samuel Smith, read what tubatime1010 said in #40882.



    Currently there is 3 people on the ts3 if anyone cares to join.



    There is pretty much one person on mostly all the time.


    Jason Combs

    Hello all. Goji here. The teamspeak server was started a few years ago to help people needing a boost in their leaning. It was an experiment to see if such a thing could exist in the wilds of the internet. It was moderately successful. Visitors became friends and formed bonds. But as all things friends from so many corners of the planet drift apart and the serve languished in disuse. With only a handful of people showing up. About the same time I hit hard times. A deep depression set in. The work I use to do for the server and the want to improve died. Now we are at the present. Thanks to a handful of individuals. The server is lively again. And it gives me a warm feeling. There is a community out there with a love of leaning and Japanese. So now I invite you all to join us in the fun. We talk about everything from Japanese to games. And as I get back into the swing of things we will start in bringing content like workshops and such. I hope to see you there. Thank you.

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 125 total)

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