Home Forums TextFugu What exactly is WaniKani?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Matthew 9 years, 7 months ago.

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    Where can I find the information about WaniKani? Does this cost money for Textfugu members? If so how much is it? And what exactly does it contain? Also, is this something that hasn’t been realeased yet?

    Ahhhh! Sorry for all these questions, this is my first month here on TextFugu so I don’t know much about what’s going on! Thanks everyone! ^ – ^



    WaniKani is a web application for learning Japanese kanji and vocabulary with the goal of teaching you around 1,700 kanji and 5,000 vocabulary words in about a one to two years. “What? That’s impossible!” you scream. “Okay, tell me more,” you continue after calming down.

    We use our own homebrew of radicals, mnemonics, space repetition system, and a kanji ordering that allows you to learn much more quickly and effectively compared to the traditional methods (which often involves hitting your face on a wall, we’ve heard). Most kanji learning is broken and inefficient. We want to fix that for ourselves and for you. Try out the first two levels for free to see how well the methods in WaniKani work!

    It’s in “closed” beta but I think you can get in if you apply for a beta code, more so if you’re a textfugu user(?). It’s a really really good website to use but the only downside is it’s $80 a year to use or $20 a month.



    Okay! Thank you! So is there no one payment for lifetime access?



    It’s a really really good website to use but the only downside is it’s $80 a year to use or $20 a month.

    Actually it is $8/month right now.

    There is no lifetime membership as of yet, but there should be a discount-code on your Textfugu Dashboard in the “Specialness For Members Only”-Section which drops the price to $50 per year and $5 per month.



    Okay! Thank you! So is there no one payment for lifetime access?

    They did have this option available for a very limited time back in January/February time, which was the first time that it was offered. It it possible that they might offer it again sometime in the future.

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